[US Realms] Magic and Might - An open Discord Community

(US Realms)
You find yourself wandering the streets of Dalaran, taking in the sights, scents, and scenery that the large pristine city has to offer.

You’ve been here many times, even the times it has moved across Azeroth, but today something is different. A new sign has appeared, a new storefront perhaps? No, not a storefront… a tavern!

“Magic and Might” the sign says, its text wrapped around the image of a sword cloaked in ethereal magic.

Curious, you walk in. You find several patrons had a similar idea. Members of the Horde and Alliance sit at tables, but they are brandishing drinks - not weapons! The tavern is alive with chatter and bardsong, and the warm hearth makes it feel comfortable and homey.

You overhear groups talking of dungeon delves, raiding citadels, and fighting in the war together. These groups - though still rather segregated - seem to be wearing tabards of different guilds found within Azeroth. It seems this new tavern has brought these people together. What else can it bring as it flourishes and grows?


Magic and Might is a digital tavern hosted on Discord where members of different guilds come together to meet each other, form groups for mythic+, raids, and pvp, and generally hang out and have fun! There’s even a small-to-growing roleplay section where you can play your toon in the tavern itself!

If you have interest in joining the Discord community, please add myself on Discord, username: Ishira

I look forward to seeing you there!

** will be an upcoming guild on Quel’thalas-US. It is not required to join the guild to join the discord. It is, however, encouraged to join with an alt, as it allows you to collect event rewards to send to your main toons on other realms!