[US] [Proudmoore] <Wafffles> Recruiting Big Keys and for Raid Wed/Saturday

Waffles Guild is Looking for amazing people to join the family.

Come say hi in discord or send me a message @DerP#12621

Currently Recruiting needs

Key tanks, Raid Off tanks ( must be able to DPS primarily)
Raid and Key Healers
All exceptional DPS.

Raid times are Wednesday 7-10 PST and Saturday 8-11 PST.
Our most active times are everyday between 7-11pst (after the kids are in bed)

About us:
We are a group of friends who value playing together and having fun over just about everything. We are mostly made up of old-school high-end raiders and people who like to push high end content but in the most relaxed way possible. We are all grown up and most of us are parents with little ones. We are all kids at heart, and we rarely are serious about anything. We troll each other with the upmost care and love.

Raiding - We push AOTC as quickly as possible and rotate alts in as we can to gear them up. This is our place to all get together and just have fun.

Mythic + - We are always doing keys. This is our favorite activity and we love pushing keys as high as we can. Many of us pushed to ~3k IO in season 3 and are always trying to get better. We have many experienced key pushers and can help you learn and grow.

Outside of WoW

We are all friends and many of us hang out in discord while we play other games. We enjoy a vast variety of games and usually have some guild server of some other game going.