[US-Mal'Ganis] LFM, 7/9M Amir, CE 9/9M Aberrus, 7/8M VotI Sun/Mon <The Gaymers> 2-day LGBTQ+ friendly

looking for a tank!

LF Tank hehe xD

1 day it will happen

Looking for a tank a a few dps :slight_smile:

Still looking for a permanent co-tank and a new healer to replace an underperformer :frowning:

up up an away :slight_smile:

need da tanks!

pew pew let’s get it

bump to look for a healer or two

Lookin for tank and a heals :slight_smile:

let’s get it!!

holy buffs batman

always looking for new peps :slight_smile:

who knows who can

still lookin for a tank :slight_smile:

always looking for new peps :slight_smile:

the train go cheww cheww

one day at a time

we are full on healers now! Thank you so much to everyone who applied, we are now looking for a tank and maybe one or two more DPS to keep it competitive :slight_smile:

Lookin for more :slight_smile: