[US-Mal'Ganis] LFM, 7/9M Amir, CE 9/9M Aberrus, 7/8M VotI Sun/Mon <The Gaymers> 2-day LGBTQ+ friendly

Where dem holy pallies at doe

imagine going to sleep, then waking up, and bumping your guild’s post, then going back to bed… couldn’t be me.

that’s what she said

LF Heals/DPS!

okay but hear me out, if your guild is dealing with a roster boss, and you are feeling tired and worn down with battling it, we gotchu, we can be your back-up and support, come hither. THE GAYS HAVE YOUR BACK <3

Upper cut boom!

Lookin’ for some mechanical all-stars who will disarm traps on Zskarn and pump the hell outta the boss with damage while you do it. <3 Also praying for a holy pally still, where the sh!t are they all at?

up in the air

I heard you like the gays, so we’re back!

up up an away

have you seen the Queen?

She’s behind the King.

NEVER make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.

How many holy paladins do you need to unscrew a light bulb?

…None, they just call upon the holy light.

How are there really only resto druids and holy priests out there? can we get a preservation evoker perhaps? Maybe even a Disc priest? A resto shammy??

“it’s friday and i juuuuuuust got paid”

…if you know that song, I love you. lol

who the f knows

ok but hear me out:

millennials are the superior generation …

… at having bad backs :rofl:

my neck, my back, my… nope, just my neck and my back.

okay but hear me out… Mythic raiding being only on-server kinda blows, so can we get more recruits already on Mal’ganis?