[US][H] 4/9 BOD [Rivendare Firetree Malorne Spirest Drak'Tharon] <ARTIFICIAL> 11:15pm EST LFM DPS + HEALERS

<Artificial > is looking to fill our core raiding group for Heroic BOD and all future content. Our ultimate goal is to reach top 100 in the region for both heroic and mythic.

We aim to build a supportive fun community with a competitive ambitious drive.

For our core raiding team. We hold ourselves to a high standard and expect each individual to uphold those standards.

Dedication is required to attend raid nights consistently. All raid members are expected to put in the time to build their character and contribute to the raid progress. We are not your carry. This needs to be a team effort.

Constructive criticism is how we get stronger as a guild. Don’t be a snowflake. It’s nothing personal, we are here to make as much progress as possible. Players will get benched if they can’t keep up with mechanics but will be given a chance to improve and get back on their feet.

Communication makes or breaks the raid. We require raiders to have good communication skills during the raids. Understanding English is a must. Headset, mic, and Discord are required

You are welcome to come check out our guild and hang out in our community.

Connected Servers: Rivendare, Firetree, Malorne, Spirest, Drak’Tharon. Other servers are welcome to run with us and come check us out.

Raid Nights:
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays
11:15pm - 2:00AM EST

Currently Looking For:
Ranged DPS- preferably a Mage, Warlock, Priest, Hunter, Boomkin
Melee dps- preferably a Rogue, Warrior, Demon hunter
Healer- Holy Priest, Resto Druid, Holy Paladin, MW Monk

Current and Past Guild Progression:
Uldir: 8/8N, 8/8H
BOD: 8/9N, 4/9H

-Raiders are expected to be on time to form and attend regularly. If something comes up let us know ahead of time in the discord.

-Individual responsibility when it comes to consumables. We have guildies that provide feasts and cauldrons but this should not be relied upon.

-Raiders should at a minimum finish at least one (10+) key per week for the chest.

-New members are expected to have basic mechanics experience in each fight or have watched the videos of the fights. Basic ad-dons are required as well such as WeakAuras, DBM, etc.

-We will have a 2 week trial period where we make sure we are a good fit for each other.We require a minimum average parse of GREEN, consistent survival rate of 80% (proving mechanics), and have equipped the highest available enchants/gems available.

-Minimum item level to be in our Heroic raid team is currently 395

Guild Application: https://goo.gl/forms/pgGoil7eAk5CfeJe2

Contact Info:

He does have cookies btw

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Come check us out on raid night!