Would love everyone’s help sharing this widely: The Library of Congress (loc.gov) has issued a challenge to the gaming community to develop a new way of teaching civics education – how our government is supposed to work and how everyone can take an active part.
The inspiration for the challenge was the game “Oregon Trail” – a game played on high school computers more than a generation ago that taught about the difficulties that early settlers faced in making the trek across the country. At a time when there were no interwebs, no national radio, and talking interstate was expensive, few things could cross cultures and generations like the mention of Oregon Trail (and the scourge of dysentery).
The challenge is to come up with an innovative approach to civics education. The Library expects to reach out to groups like Girls Who Code, but the challenge is open to all, any age, anywhere who love gaming and want to make a difference!
The winning entry will receive $20,000. Second and Third Place entries will be awarded $10,000 and $5,000, respectively. More info and the rules are here: https://www.challenge.gov/?challenge=library-of-congress-friends-choice-civics-video-game-challengee