[US] [A] [Boulderfist, Bloodscalp, Maiev, Dunemaul, and Stonemaul Connected Realms] <Euphoric> #Hotcakes 3/8M LF ALL
<Euphoric> #Hotcakes is 1 of 2 raid teams of the <Euphoric> guild, looking to do serious end-game PvE. We are looking for new, active, and fun members! We are raiders, transmog hunters, M+ runners, and socialites. Outside of raiding we push for a social atmosphere to foster community and give people something to do and chat about during nonraid times. If you are interested in raiding and looking for more to the do in the game as a group such as transmog runs and M+ look no further!
We want to grow our #Hotcakes team and are looking to grow our community that enjoys hanging out in discord while we play. We are open to event ideas and team improvement suggestions. Our players are spread across the West and East coast and are on all hours of the day.
Raid Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-11 PM EST
We currently stopped progression at 3/8 M Uldir early November due a variety of personal issues, but we are looking to come back stronger for 8.1. We are looking to quickly progress through Normal, work our way through Heroic, and then tackle Mythic.
If you want to see if our team is a good fit for you; please send me a PM, reply here, or message me in game at Mew-Stonemaul, if I am not online feel free to send me in-game mail and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible!