[US][A][Bigglesworth] <Barren Baptist’s> Raiding and PVP Guild

About Us:
Barren Baptist’s is an experienced guild recruiting more members for the launch of Classic WOW this August. We have several members that were a part of the Classic community back in 2005 and have been playing ever since. We’re incredibly excited to start back on the Classic experience and are recruiting more members to join our team.

Help us on our path to be the best guild on the server!

Weekly Events:
Progression Raid Nights:
Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7:00pm-10:00pm MST

World PVP Nights:
Wednesday night’s starting at 7:00pm MST

There will be designated coaches for each role. If you’re wanting to improve, or we see that you’re needing a bit more help in your numbers.

We will make sure to take your under our wing so that you are performing at your best!

Guild Rules:
Don’t be a jerk -Feedback is necessary to always improve, however there are always ways to be constructive in giving and receiving feedback from our fellow guild members. There are 40+ of us, let’s all try and get along.

We love jokes and especially ones in good taste. Please no racism or hate speech in our conduct or we’ll have to take some corrective action.

General activity in Discord is extremely encouraged! Please shows us what you’re up to for lunch, music to share, and especially posting memes!

We will be using a loot council system for loot. It has not yet been determined who is receiving specific pieces of loot.

Understand that our aim is to be one of, if not the best on our server. Be understanding of our loot decisions! There’s a lot of us to gear up, I promise. It is likewise our goal to get you as geared as possible so we can continue doing the most current content as a guild.

Contact Info:
@Orco#1171 @Anprionsa#5539
BN: Anprionsa#1482
If you have any questions feel free to contact us on our Discord server.

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