Ursin Alliance Reconnections

Feliz! Hey this is Aner. My brother and I will be rolling alliance on Stalagg if you want to join! Add me on bnet - Boomo#1527

What’s up man! I’ll be rolling a Warlock on Whitemane Horde. Add me to battle.net Mollywhoppin#1545

WHAT ABOUT FEELINNICE, the Feral Druid :wink:

I was Brurik the paladin and we were in Sihaya together for awhile. You had taught me a bit about healing. I believe we also had Loch and bobthebuilder!

Alliance: Dwarf paladin
Guild: Equality -> The oasis contingent -> Sihaya

I ran around with Nifle the gnome warlock a lot. So many people I fondly remember The rogue and priest hootinany (two different people) , slartibart, bullspit, wowchico, mistafab, Donnar, Thorsen for lvl 49 twink BG’s,

Definitely remember you too Cassius, how have you been? What server are you rolling on?

The Eyepoke account is actually inactive at the moment (I unsuccessfully tried messing around with multiboxing in Legion), shoot me an in-game mail to this toon on KT if you can!

Alliance: Warrior
Guild: Tenebris, Seraphin, Ressurection



Had to find an account that didn’t have horde characters on KT!

Necrostasis Gnome Warlock, Verral Human Pally
Guild: Defiance
I remember Clusion, Asgoth, Hermisery, Tandt, Librinth, Allnight, Huntdown, Barloc, Necronami.

I have a bunch of friends all rolling Horde on Whitemane.

Alk! Not sure you remember my brother and I, but we were in Hand of Honor for almost all of our Vanilla raiding days. Chissara NE Priest, and my brother played Tazara NE Hunter and Malaida Human Pally. You were one of the names I came to this thread looking for actually.

ThunderHammr Paladin/Shaman. My Brother Zzsleeper Warroir/Mage

Guild unknown. We thought about creating a guild with the name Happens in our names at one point.

My brother was the first warrior to hit Grand marshal on the server.
I was apart of the 40 Shamans vs Paladins Years Ago And more Huge Events on the server.

Arcani, Human warlock
Guild: Desire
Zeke was another warlock in desire and Bibdy was a monster in battlegrounds.

Crybon, Human Pally
If I remember correctly it was Eternity
gigi, supreme, destojji are a few i remember

Your name does ring a bell. Was your brother the person I yelled at for jumping around on the bat boss in ZG instead of stacking with the raid group?

Hell yeah man!!! My healing days are long behind me… well have been… might reignite the healadin again with Classic haha

Saved like 5 variations of the name Cassiusclay on pagle… saw several of the old guildies rolling on there but I’ll pvp with you guys wherever my man!
Just say where!

Thats where im headed

I messaged Menah for ya since Fierra failed :wink: She says she won’t have time to play. I linked her this thread though, maybe y’all can get back in touch!