Ironically, i said the same thing about not wanting to play about a year ago. However, as the months went by, I realized that this was actually a great 2nd chance and opportunity for me to enjoy something that I hold dear. We are going to Grob. The RP-PVP server, the guild we are in is looking very solid. Ill send you a discord link on real ID to scope it out. They are going to bring that old pvp flame back, I cant’ wait. add Prodigy#1259
Alliance or Horde?
Horde this time my good friend
Holy $H!T it’s Greatness!
Sup with it Squishy?
Just trying to keep track of where everyone is playing now!
who else have you caught up with Squishy?
I will look you up on Grob
Still looking out for Batosai or Jay to pop their head up! It’s cool to see so many familiar names, brings back fond memories of premade PvP games. Haven’t seen too many others, but I do know that part of our old guild transferred servers. That does make it more challenging to getting the band back together.
damn, those are names that i have not heard/read in a long time.
Oh you know it
Come back and do some stuff with us. Add me on discord. Hermy#5895
Prodigy#1259 doesn’t come back with a result brotha
So awesome to hear from you! We’re actually more likely to roll on Skeram right now (we’re trying to avoid hours of queues). I sent an in game mail to Eyepoke on Tich, it contains our contact info and Discord link. Come say hi, old friend! And start twisting Pilk’s arm. I want to catch up with him as well.
what’s yours? Ill add you
Dahni - The world’s worst NE Hunter - Thor’s Requiem
No one will remember me, but I, too, came here looking for Griefer the rogue!!
hey long time no see someone remembered me! I’m the shadow priest battman. Have not decided on class/faction this time around…you have a realm name?
Alliance: Human shadow priest
Guild. elvl, Amon Amarth…
Been ages but played with some good folks! Papa?
Definitely remember Squishy and Faith, Hermy and I know each other IRL. PVP’d with ya guys many times.