Urgent Please Fix: Raid Frame Functional Utility Loss

This is live problem/bug and no one has fixed it yet.

Long story short the current raid frames do not have the same functionality as the original ones.


Shows the original setup of the raid frames, groups are aligned with odds and even above each other, 2 rows by 4 groups. You can clearly see tanks, healers, and resources for the different classes.

However in the new raid frames this is no longer the case.


No borders, no way of pulling out the tanks without corrupting groups, no indication of what groups are where, no division between odd and even groups.
(If you choose the option to pull out the tanks in raid the groups get mixed further.)

Currently you have three templates you can choose from:




None of them give you the functionality of the original setup and two of them take up a lot more screen space.

Basically you have broken the original functionality of the raid frames that allowed instant ability to see who is in a group, if people died in a group associated with a task so on.

Also if you move the raid frames from one side of the screen to the other you will notice that the positioning of how the raid gets filled changes.

So rather than filling up from the left hand corner down always, depending on position on the screen it will either fill from left (on left side) - center (in a center position) - or right (in a right position).

This is infuriating if you are used to the older frames always being where you put them.

You can no longer have the raid frames do a proper odds over even setup:


There is currently no way to get back the old configuration.

An addon was created to try and fix it but due to taint it keeps breaking while in combat and the author is unable to fix it. The addon is called: Raid Frame Anchor, it fixes where the groups are forming from, and gives you back the old functionality of odds over even, however once you turn on this option it constantly breaks due to taint so far there is no way to fix it. Addon was created by TaymaraPlays on Curseforge:


Please Devs/Blizzard if you can fix the raid frames and bring back the old functionality this would be awesome, or help this author fix the issues they are having with taint.

This issue is still a problem!

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