Ur bad luck protection is absolute bull

You believe them ! Rofl

what? when did blizzard say that?

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To be honest Blizzard is deaf. We need to shout. Were not shouting enough.


That is an excellent question.
It goes hand in hand with why did they give us a selfie camera to post on Twitter (X)?

there’s a difference between “they don’t hear me” and “they don’t agree with my demands”


What 2 tunings since December? Lol

You know how many weeks it will take to get sparks and can target any slot you want. It’s literally the definition of deterministic. Whether your value calculation of which slot you want to craft when you get a new spark changes based on other drops you’ve received doesn’t somehow make it not deterministic. If you’ve decided you’re going to make shoulders with your two best secondary stats on week 3, nothing would stop you from doing so just because you got a pair of high level shoulders before.

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You know what’s the most annoying ? It’s that blizzard said they heard our feedback for the Voker leggo, and said they understood our complaints and that player time is important to them. Then they slap us with this horrendous process for a legendary .

You know what makes it even worse ? Is that the quest chain so far into the season is only gunna get harder to do aka the superblooms because this far in , not many are still doing world content .

And update - my friend just got it tn on his alt warrior, who he barely plays. GG blizzard

Bad luck protection from the start?

Guild buddies?

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Each difficulty has a base % chance for it to drop. So what reason do you have that alts with no prior kills should not get the axe?

Honestly it does feel bad when that happens. I know someone who only did LFR on an alt and they have the axe, meanwhile I’m sitting at 18 lessers and 8 heroic greaters and still nothing. But RNG is RNG. Until the drop chance hits 100%, you are not entitled to the legendary. There probably will be a scenario where one person with a 99% drop chance does not get it but someone with a 1% does. That is basic probability. Facts do not care about your feelings.

And what numbers are those? Are you keeping a detailed track on how many blp tokens (greater relative to the difficulty done along with lessers?, how many people have the axe? The number of attempts?) done statistical analysis on those too? A sample size of two (you and that other person) is not enough to draw a statistically accurate analysis.

Not to mention small increases to heroic and mythics chances outside of Fyrakk kills in the form of the lesser ones. Something Evokers never had and still do not have.

Working as intended since there is a base % drop chance for each difficulty. Higher difficulties have a higher base % chance.

None of the difficulties begin at 0% to drop the axe. There probably is someone out there that got it on their first kill, even if it is LFR. They would be an outlier sure but it can and would happen if you take a very large sample size, probably the entire population.

inb4 I get called a Blizzard white knight for stating basic laws of probability.


Randomly generated numbers are in fact random.


We don’t know. We don’t even know the base % drop chances for each difficulty. All they said is that the higher you go in difficulty, the greater the base % drop chance is. We don’t even know if

  1. Greater embers increase the drop chance by the same amount regardless of difficulty or the increase is relative to the difficulty (e.g. does an LFR and heroic blp token give x% or does the heroic blp give y% and the LFR token is x% but y > x).
  2. Higher difficulty greater embers retroactively increase the lower difficulty ones assuming you have not done them yet. Since their respective % chances are included in the higher difficulty ones.

Lesser blp tokens may also apply to unknown factor no.1 but given that they have no difficulty label on them we can assume that it is the same regardless if you got it from a heroic or mythic boss.

Actually the fact that crafted gear cannot hit max ilvl makes it better as a deterministic system, but many people still to this day use crafted as BIS which by defintion is different than deterministic.

“If you’ve decided you’re going to make shoulders with your two best secondary stats on week 3, nothing would stop you from doing so just because you got a pair of high level shoulders before.”
Counter point, if i get myth track shoulders before i crafted shoulders, why would i craft shoulders?

The RNG fondlers are coming out to play over this post.

RNG is RNG, I’m afraid. Unless they have a guaranteed surefire way to get something there will always be someone in your situation, even if the drop rate was 99.9%.

What they should do if they insist on both making legendaries drop randomly off a boss and balance those classes based on having a legendary, is to make the boss drop some kind of currency if you don’t have a legendary so that you can get guarantee getting it after X kills.


That is a weird way of saying, “people who know how probability and cdf’s (cumulative distribution functions) work”

If you get a large enough sample size, tracking the number of attempts, greater blp tokens relative to the difficulty and how many people have the axe you could work out the base drop chance for LFR at least. Assuming that the blp tokens are constant in how much % they give and the people in the same only do LFR each week. Then run some hypothesis tests to see if the sample mean statistically equals the population mean (which you can do if the population mean is unknown).

Meaning that you can work out how many successful attempts there are in total, divided by the total number of attempts, then divide that fraction by the total number of blp tokens.

Normal and higher has more variables, mainly the fact that the lower difficulties are included in the higher ones if you have yet to do them for that week. And because of that, assuming that higher tier blp tokens also increase the lower difficulty ones. And the inclusion of lesser tokens for heroic and mythic.

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Would have been nice if there was a epic version of this to use then do the quests to make it legendary.

Just how it was with Shadowmourne. That way you could still use the unpowered version for awhile till you turn it into a legendary.

well, we know who doesn’t have the legendary.


Both Fyr’alath and the evoker one from Sarky use the same process as Thunderfury. Get a legendary drop from a boss (or bosses in Thunderfurys case) that starts a questline. Get legendary at the end of quest line.

The difference between the axe and fist weapon w.r.t thunderfury is that it is a personal drop with blp. Meanwhile Thunderfury is neither. AND you have to get two halfs. So you could be unlucky and get X amount of left halfs before seeing your first right half.

But I get where you are coming from.