Upright Undead

Long LONG overdue. Give us the option to stand up straight please.


They zombies, not humans.

To be fair, the forsaken are often led by fresh looking undead. :thinking:


Yeah but we all know players don’t get NPC priviledges.

Except thats where straight standing orcs and less rotted playable undead came from already, npc models that we asked for. No reason they cannot do this. Its already in game on some undead guards. Those use the player toon skeleton as is.


Even then, we can get them far later. :hourglass::robot:

…although i’m certain the upright undead is just a posture and the spine isn’t corrected. :mag::robot:


What? You ashamed of being undead?

Speaking of Undead, we were, right? Yeah, so there’s this new deodorant being advertised on television. LUME. The gal that demonstrates how and where to use it gives me the idea that it would be the ideal deodorant for the Undead. Pitts, under boobs, thigh folds, butt crack and feet. Yep, full coverage for those smelly, rotting undead dead critters. They even have a male version.

I think having an option for upright Undead would be awesome.

Orc were allowed one, Indead should be given the same. As we are seeing more freshly raised undead this would fit lore wise.

granted, but they have the gut of a kul’tiran.

Thats a forum game I haven’t seen since BFA is corrupt a wish.