Upright posture option for masc visage form - Stop distorting mog pls

Three races using the masc belf model warp and distort transmog because blood elves were introduced as sassy / effeminate.

Please give use an orc-style posture toggle in the barber shop to straighten out the mog so that we can actually use and enjoy the great things that are being achieved with new textures. I really want to play dracthyr again but am sorely tempted to remain human just so that my transmog is safe.

Looking at the blademaster beads and any of the new breechcloth style belts on this model will show you what I mean. The beads are completely shifted to one side and the breechcloth is warped out of shape by their posture.

I know, I could just NOT play dracthyr but I simply did not play void elves or blood elves for this reason but since we’re still reusing the model for a modern race… I think it’s more than fair to ask for a slightly pivot here that another race has received for similar reasons.

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The issue is blood elf models for some reason have a tilted head sideways, so hoods and materials meant to be modelled centrally get shifted to the side with bad clipping.

They also for some reason give them chicken leg syndromes where the boots are huge and thick but the legs are made small.

I don’t know what makes you think effeminate, they literally look like any athlete, unless you got the complex that conventionally attractive men must be effeminate unless they look like gorillas.


They model itself is great but look a robes or the new arathi belts that have breechcloths on them, they’re stretched and distorted because of how far apart the belf feet are to get the protruding hip effect.

I’m a gay, I stand like this lol I just dont want my mog to STAY messed up by this when we have the tech to grant players the option of fixing it. ^^

I’m referring to the Pussy Cat Dollz and Keri Wilson references as stereotypically more effeminate because of the fabulous delivery, which is likely meant to be more haughty than anything, but coupled with the posture has always struck me personally, as deliberately… sassified.
*"Hey… Why don’t you come over here and… watch the hair?

  • “Don’t you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?”
  • “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful. Hate me because I’m better than you.”

The other problem is they simply don’t model on other races but human and orc. But especially male human. It’s incredibly obvious with plate armor as well.

Look at dwarves and draenei. They made all these collared 3D necks on plate chests and it clips all over the dwarf beards and draenei tentacles as well as long hair males.


There are a lot of issues with Blood Elf models that were never addressed. My biggest gripe is the way they hold certain weapons - for one of two races that can be Demon Hunters, they cannot for the life of them hold the Aldrachi Warblade shaped war glaives without clipping into arms and shoulders. Released in Legion, the artifact weapon has appearances that clip into DH body and armor, and never the angle of hands holding weapons was fixed for them. It’s been like this for over eight (8) years.

…Eight long years…

Really, most races require fixes to their postures, options for proper upright pose (undead most of all) or at least removal of the sideways standing pose (literally nobody IRL stands like that when still and not posing).

Most of all, we deserve better armor fitting than we have now, with only human male created properly and rest just adjusted without same level of detail.

While we are at Dracthyr, apart from the visage form, the draconic form NEEDS to be able to show the actual armor the wear, just like Worgen do for both forms.


  • We need a patch or expansion where all races get adjustments and customisations to their idle poses, including upright and/or straight posture.
  • Dracthyr need to be able to show armor in draconic form.

It’s honestly the main reason why i race changed to troll (female specifically) after years of using blood elf. Last expansion it got to the tipping point where I couldn’t stand looking at the model anymore.

The helms (q lot of them) clips down into the chest. Lots of shoulders clips through the chest as well. Most boots look uncomfortably bigger than they should and the posture for both genders, after years of dealing with them, makes most armor sets looks awful.

I honestly can’t even believe I’ve tolerated it for so long, but I’ve come to realize that it was out of denial :sweat_smile:

Added note: troll, too, is temporary until dracthyr becomes available. And even then that might end up being temporary up until they introduce the nightborne cosmetic armor that the playersbase have been begging for for years now. In which case, nightborne will be permanent (until arakkoa is playable :sweat_smile:).

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All of this, really… I was very hopeful when they did the last model update that it wouldnt JUST be textures and a few new hairstyles. I still cant believe they didnt bother updating old hairstyle textures. “Heres the 6 u can wear if you want the modern resolution but otherwise get bent.”

They’ve shown they can keep their stylized cartoon aesthetic while doing very good looking things, but the progress is seriously hindered and a little embarrassing when youre recycling these ancient buggy models for “new” races over and over. c’mon…

Keep doing it if you must to honor the budget but at least implement some minor adjustments and fixes like posture and weapon positions.

Void elves have been done so dirty in customizations, I think they’re the allied race with the most limited options as of now.

I would kill for more asian long hairstyles that you see in wushu movies for elves among other options, and more hairstyles with void tentacles for male void elves. More glow on their hair.

They could use an eye option that looks the orange yellow with the cats eye slit like many of the n’zoth creatures. Void spikes, etc.

The void elf racial proc could use the updated void effects of TWW.