Some of the undead npc’s in Zandalar (the guards) are standing upright like orcs now do, and it looks so cool. Is there a chance we will ever get an upright option too?
Disgusting. Upright forsaken? No you must stay hunchback. Our backs are not repairable for chiropractors, they’re too damaged.
Speak for yourself. Sylvanas, Nathanos, and all the other undead elves stand straight and proud. Deathknights stand straight as well. Undead =/= must have exposed bones + hunchback.
The game needs more ways to customize your character, not less. A new standing animation for undead shouldn’t be out of the question since orcs got one. Bringing over that chinese forsaken model wouldn’t hurt either.
I agree with you on bringing the chinese models over. I mean, why does Nathanos have the special privilege of being a well-kept clean dead man?
Not to mention I don’t see it being overly difficult to add as options to the barber. Undead have the worst sleeves>gloves, and worst boot visuals of all the classes. And Blizzard still doesn’t care about fixing the positioning of shoulder pads.