Upright forsaken

Is this a possibility in the near future? The models already exist in-game, and I aspire to see them become an option for my favorite race! Not to mention upright undead would fix just about every damn problem there is with armor clipping for undead. I know i am not the only one tired of having my weapons floating 2 feet off of my back, or my pauldrons having a large gap, as well.


Yes please. And armor that isn’t ripped would be so very nice. My baby zombies would be ever so appreciative.



I really hope so. I’ll take the same model just with different animations. Like they did for orcs. The clipping has always been bad but it got worse with the new models. That curve in their neck got way worse. If they would just make it on par with the female undead it’d be fine. Just enough so that their neck wasn’t lower than the middle of their back.

Also a no bones option please.


Yes TPTB! Make it happen! Orcs were given upright option.

Only fair Trolls, & Undead get this option also no bones! Please Blizz TY!


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Right, I mean look at Nathanos Blightcaller, imagine if they had something half as decent as that! I would be very happy!


Then what you want it’s the human model, not the forsaken one.

I’m all for an option for straight backs and non-ripped armor… a human dk like model? Nope.

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Erect forsaken and worgen should both be added as options!

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There is already a walking animation of them with straight backs in the game files. Not sure if that was just simply left over stuff for thin human or what have you.

They’ve done better than that, they’ve been in the game for 15 years. Humans, they call them. Oh, they’re a bit younger looking too though.

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So you wanna be a human? Lol

Gnomes have pills for that we can give them…oh wait…never mind…


Yes please. I’m tired of looking like everything is so heavy to lift.

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Thank you. That is where my mind went and when I thought I was the only one I was ashamed.


You get a cookie and a high-five because you have a name I couldn’t get for one of my Gnome army lol.


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Hump? What hump? (ahhh Young Frankenstein was a good movie :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

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