Upright forsaken? When?

I would also agree in a way. While i think faction are intrinsic to wow as a whole, i do believe at this point we should be able to work together.

Let both factions do all content with each other, however removing factions all together would ruin this game completely.

Also undead ceased to be human when they were reanimated by dark magic. They may look similar but in reality are actually complete opposites.

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I think factions should stay visually but let it be known in game the war is over. Like if you’re ally you can go and visit any horde city if you want and no one will attack you unless pvp is on.

Pvp can stay mostly the same, letting people know that while the war is ‘‘over’’ between us we can still fight each other for fun.

I think the human looking form would be great for the forsaken. They aren’t human anymore as you said.

Bfa killed my soul with how the story went tbh.

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Yea I 100% agree on pretty much everything you said lol.

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I will add, if they do add upright forsaken that are whole atleast make them abit visually different.

Maybe greyish skin with golden eyes like calia etc.

Just emphasize that they are still forsaken.

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So in short… never.

My guess is that they wanted to add the upright forsaken as a customization reward for completing the Sylvanas storyline in BFA. But, looking at some of the comparison pictures and considering Forsaken’s armour models … I suspect that’s where things fell through, and they haven’t fixed whatever bugs they encountered.

At least that would be my guess because, it is weird… like seriously weird. Not just because of the Zuldazar guards but think of the cutscene where Sylvanas flies off and there’s the Forsaken holding the banner in front of Orgrimmar’s gates. It feels like they probably wanted to offer it as a customization option.

That and honestly I am shocked they have not added like…a skeleton option too. It look amazingly cool.

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Or a elf forsaken. There must realistically be hundreds of them.

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They are too busy looking for body parts that fell off to stand upright

How about actual customization options for forsaken as well?

Like jewelry, piercings, tattoos, hairstyles, eyes, faces.

A lot of races have very poor customization, and Forsaken is one of them.

OP is a Troll. Literally a troll…

Forsaken Beards when?!?