“20,000 is the new posting cap.”
“If it caps, the System with continue it for us.”
Oh I didn’t know that. Well, I didn’t know either bits of information, but it’s interesting.
“We discovered it, when they continued the GD Lounge.”
This is the main reason I don’t play forsaken, I would otherwise.
I’d probably play a Forsaken alt if they not only had proper upright customization, but different levels of skin decay as well, lemme have various levels of fleshy hands and feet blizzard.
“We already have three skins now. Each a varying degree of rot. I chose the Fresh Skin.”
I fully and entirely agree to this statement.
I am done waiting. Blizzard, notice us senpai…
Garrosh was gonna hire an army of chiropractors but people just had to go n overthrow him smh
seriously though, upright option would be cool
Holding out hope for some tease from Blizzard of upright undead.
The tease is when you go to the great seal in Zandalar and see the forsaken guards standing proud and tall.
Been so long since I’ve posted
My job has my poor brain so roasted
But Blizzard oh please
Consider our pleas
So we can relish our straight backs and get toasted.
P.S.: Send beards…
This really should be an option by now. While I am quite fond of my hump I would like to see my brothers and sisters in undeath given the option to see a chiropractor.
Yes and while you’re at it, ➤➤➤➤ Give Forsaken Facial Hair - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
There is so much that needs to be done with the Forsaken, But getting them upright and losing the Horde Ugly so give them haunch backs needs to go. I stand(upstraight) for Upright Forsaken!
I’ll stand up for this.
You seem to want forsaken to have facial hair. You should find a community council member to post for it on here [Customization] More Long Beard Options for Characters
Get up stand up, don’t give up the fight.