Upgrading PvP Gear? [TWW]

How will we be upgrading our PvP gear’s base ilvl (not the PvP ilvl) past the Veteran track in TWW? With the removal of the PvP Vault, any Conquest gear we buy from the PvP vendor is locked to the Veteran track and there seems to be no way to obtain PvP gear higher than the Veteran track.

How it currently works in Dragonflight, with the PvP Vault, is that PvP gear obtained from Vault will be placed on a higher upgrade track depending on our PvP rating. In simple terms, the higher your rating is, the higher upgrade track its placed on (if you’re 2400+, PvP gear obtained from the Vault is placed on the Myth track).

Will gear bought from the Conquest vendor properly be placed on the correct upgrade track that reflects our rating? Or are we just screwed and there will be no way to get any PvP gear past the Veteran track besides the one time 1600 tier token reward?