Upgrading PVP Gear System is flawed?

Maybe I’m misunderstanding something here but why do I have to grind PVE content so I can upgrade my Conquest\War Mode PVP Gear?

I want to PVP and all the time I would have to spend doing PVE content is just arbitrary… Why do I have to grind content I don’t want to do just to spend what little time I have left doing the content I want to?

There should be no reason I can’t earn crests through PVP or buy crests with Honor, or better yet, just get rid of the crest requirement.

Arbitrarily making me doing content I don’t want is a waste of time and money.

Thank you


If all you want to do is pvp, then there’s no reason to upgrade the gear.


Then why is it upgradable?

You don’t need to upgrade your PvP gear if you just want to PvP. The upgrades only affect the gear’s base PvE ilvl, not the PvP ilvl. If you hover over the tooltip you’ll notice the gear states that it’s ilvl is increased to 636/639 (WM/Conq) in PvP content.

It’ll always be that highest ilvl when you engage in PvP. The upgrades simply make the gear stronger in PvE, not for PvP.


Ah that’s it. Thank you!


the Catalyst is the thing that annoys me why do PvE and PvP gear share the same charges??

How did you not know this by now??

Rated pvp matches should give out gilded crests. I’ve put more hours in battlegrounds than raiders and mythic dweebs do with their dungeons, I should be able to upgrade my crap to its max.

IMO a pvper should be able to achieve the 619 ilvl the pvp gear scales up to by just pvping, and be able to upgrade my profession crafted gear (like the alchemist stone) to at least be somewhat decent in PVP.

Yeah, like other poster said… the only benefit of upgrading PVP gear is so you can have a somewhat decent ilvl to do something other than PVP if you wanted.

The only type of item modification system that makes sense in PVP is the forge that converts gear into tier, as the bonuses transfer into PVP gear.