Upgrade Your Mists of Pandaria Classic™ Adventures

I would pay one WoW token ($15) for a mount purchased outside of a subscription package deal or retail premium expansion upgrade.

Also none of those things are actually worth what they say they are. Digital good have an insane profit margin because…you can make infinite of them for no money besides the weekends worth of work it took to reskin stuff.

More rabbit mounts. More fox mounts.

Please and thank you.

11.1 was a wonderful chance for a “Jumping Flash” mechanical bunny, but I think it’s a bit late for that.

So what is the point of classic anything any more. Once you catch up to the current expansion are you going to do a classic reboot and run through it a third time? SMH.

The only mount you can buy for that much is the Viridian Phase-Hunter ground mount.

They’re worth what Blizz sets the price at. Just like any digital game products.

You can say its worth whatever you want. Simply put that it is not.

Mists of Pandaria: Throwback Edition

No, Blizz says it’s worth whatever they want, determined by if we’re willing to pay.

Like every other digital item in existence.

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Oh yeah just like how they used to say a months worth of Insulin was worth $500 rolls eyes just more blatant greed.

Corporations are out to make money. :dracthyr_shrug:

Although, comparing a necessary medication like insulin to a completely unnecessary digital game item was a bit weird… but I get the point behind what you’re saying.

So yeah… we have the choice to pay it or not. If enough don’t pay it, complain about it, then it changes. But if enough don’t care… then this is the value we’re left with.

Cant wait to play TWW classic

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Can you buy it individually? The mounts are cool but I’m a toy collector. Realistically I don’t buy a lot of mounts as a druid main.

Not yet, no. Eventually, probably. But usually that takes a year or two.

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I’m with most everyone else the tiger should fly because otherwise I only want the battle pet because it’s cute.

I’d…considering still being around for BFA classic. dumpster fire expac to be sure, but…its had fun with corruption.

I recall for giggles some nights ripping off the protection from it, going nuclear red corruption and jsut having fun with it.

Pull massive packs, and enjoy the show. the eyeballs, the shadow assassins…they were legion! Since off per hit procs, larger the pull the more messed up it got.

Also immediately bought it, then saw “The Ensemble: Stormstout’s Sha-Touched Collection Transmog Set will be granted to your WoW Classic progression collection with the Mists of Pandaria Classic pre-patch launch anticipated on or before July 31, 2025” after noticing I couldn’t use the mog yet … REEEEEEEEE

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i just read the article fully, the transmog is a pre-purchase.

I like that monk set. It will be perfect for an Evil Nui arc.

I have to wonder if there’s any chance at some point you guys are gonna stop having 12 different versions of World of Warcraft and maybe focus all of your efforts on making retail one really good version.

Shut up and take my money!

Didnt TWW just came out less than 6 months ago lol

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