Upgrade Your Account Security with the Battle.net Authenticator

I would try posting this question in the customer service forum, they would probably be able to help you

I don’t understand the reasoning for them to hide the use of an authenticator behind a phone number requirement. It’s quite ridiculous. I was using the old wow authenticator and switched to the battle.net one yesterday. What a chore that was.

What’s next are we going to need to use our bankid to log into the game?

I already had a mobile authenticator but got an email I needed to download a new app. What a joke. I switched but had no option to take the old app off.

Well then you lose access to your account until you contact blizzard.

Don’t say misinfo. It just completely takes authenticator off the account.

What messages do I have a setting turned off somewhere? The app never sends me messages.

But seriously why comment about the app “doing” something if you have never used it and have no idea what it does or does not do.

If a friend messages you, it pushes to mobile. If you don’t have friends messaging you, you wouldn’t see it.

Don’t tell me I “don’t know what it does” when it’s literally pinged my phone multiple times this past week alone.

I can turn notifications off for the app, but then authenticator pings wouldn’t go through either.

Authenticator pings dont need to go through. Turn the app off if it bothers you.

It’s fun watching people on my friends list log on for 15 minutes late at night so the app can phone home.

At one time the authenticator was a good solution. Now it’s just a club they use to try and increase market penetration into mobile.

Just some clarification:

I am using the Battle.net app on Android. I deleted the old authenticator app and instead installed the Battle.net app. It was not asking for special permissions, so it is still running without any permissions. That means, it will not have any access to personal data. I needed to login only once and it has kept the login data since then. No need to relogin.

When I login to this website forum it will then show a dialog on the top of the screen asking for confirmation. That’s all.

Apart from that there were no messages popping up and no ads visible.