
Does Blizz push updates daily, or every other day or something? It seems that at least once every couple of days I have to VERY SLOWLY download (even though I’m on gigabit fiber service with GREAT connectivity) a small’ish patch (400mb, but again…VERY SLOWLY) and update the game.

At one time I thought I might have a bad SSD, but this is now on an entirely new laptop, AND it does the same thing on my wifes new system as well, so the likelihood that both new systems have bad SSD’s at the exact time is highly unlikely.

So again, what’s with the (sometimes) daily patch updates without any sort of heads up?

Just curious.

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Yeah, I have the same issues. I am on a 2.5Gb fiber connection. My games drive is a hardware raid 0, with SSD caching, that gets between 1Gb/s and 9Gb/s throughput .
And I watch procmon and see that neither the CPU is being loaded down, the network port isn’t being used by other things ( at least not enough to matter), and that the disks are pretty much idling.
Right at this moment, Wow is downloading a patch …at 2kb/s. WHY?

Same problem, just ran into it today, I am looking at a 4mb patch. Here is the best part the blizzard app is telling me its going to take two hours and 4 minutes. Its not me everything including interment on other things on my computer are working perfect. What gives blizzard? Or are you going to do nothing as per normal.

There are relatively consistent updates for the PTR clients, but not the live Retail clients.

This update is on Retail. And yeah, it’s slow.

11.1 releases Tuesday, and I was expecting prepatch data, but I have not see it personally yet. No update at all in retail, nor Classic, though I do not have Cata installed currently. And only 11.1 PTR.

So no the the daily updates on my end, not sure about the rest.

5gbps fiber connection and dowloading retail 400mb update at 0.2kbps why? no other connection is this slow. Fast and Speedtest all show normal 10gbps

Edit: I tried the old 9999999 limit and also tried pausing and restarting and also close the app and restart and nothing makes this small 400mb update download faster

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Any solutions to this yet?

I am also having this issue. Had a 350 mb update today. It was taking forever. Recently download have been slow, and today it was slow enough to be frustrating. Once it got to 340/350 mb it basically halted. I stopped and reopened and it took even longer lol

Took over 30 mins to download the 350 mb update…

Having this issue right now too. Made the mistake of exiting the game earlier I guess. 50mb update, initializing at 5kb/s. Both retail and classic. Restarted, ran as administrator, ended the update agent in task manager, tried pretty much everything. Seeing others posting about it makes me think this is a server issue.

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[Solution] Got to options in battle net and change download limit https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/43662

I download at about 100Mb/s on Bnet, but I use large values for the speed caps instead of 0. A local friend’s ISP throttles Blizzard connections, so he always sees super slow downloads.

I found the issue in another thread. Apparently there’s a “hidden” .NET framework update for Windows. You have to go to Windows update, it’ll say everything’s up to date, but if you click “Check for Updates,” it comes up with this. I was able to get in no problem after the restart. Makes sense why people are seemingly experiencing this on different days this week.

Woops, patcher kicked in, but seems fine on my end.


NOT the solution. I don’t restrict, limit, or otherwise throttle my download speed in the client or anywhere else.

Allow me to clarify. This has been going on for MONTHS, not just today. And again, this is across 4 different laptops that I keep 100% up to date.

All of my updates have been super fast or at least fast enough for the manager to give me a eta. My download tonight is going SO slow that its not even telling me how long it will take. Its at a lousy 19/311 and i started it probably 30 min ago.

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I also am having this issue. It has been happening for the last two days for me. It is very, very frustrating to have to launch Bnet an hour in advance of when I want to play, to download a ghost patch that should take a minute or less. No internet issues on my part on Speedtest nor with any other game or program. My download speed is uncapped under launcher settings.

I have tried: Restarting the launcher, restarting the computer, running the launcher as admin, repairing the game, adding the launcher as a firewall exception, and had no luck. The only way is to just…wait it out. I hope this is resolved soon.

Had the same issue as well with a Wow Update about an hour ago. 340Mb update took over 30 minutes. It is not only the update that was slow.

When I start up Diablo Immortal it is really slow in checking and uploading the files. I get to a part where it checks/updates 402 files and usually it takes a couple of seconds but the past few hours it a taking between 5-10 minutes to complete.

About Id say seven minutes after my post on the forums, the speed problem fixed itself, and was acting normal as far as speed for a download/patch. The only action I took, was resetting the download options to default. I would say I did that about 10 minutes before making the above post in these forums.

Cleared up for me yesterday but now it is really slow again and it was about this time yesterday that it was doing it.