Good. If anything, Torghast should have been observed for adjustments instead of an outright buff because tanks had a much easier time. Last week, I wouldn’t call it “fine”, but I would say that it was much better than this week (up to this nerf).
Moving forward, there are another things that need to be looked at such as:
- Why Mages and Hunters have such “meh” powers.
- Why some classes such as Warlock are forced into finding a certain anima power to make a run possible. This is further emphasized by tanks being in the run.
- Why some classes such as Prot Pally and Veng DH have little to no problems with runs.
- How my DPS as a DPS class can be pretty much made irrelevant by a tank getting specific anima powers.
- Speeding up the runs/adding more “safe zones” so that Torghast doesn’t punish you for the simple act of walking away for <15 seconds.
- You get nothing for your time if you fail.
The problem with Torghast is that it shouldn’t be considered a “competitive” experience, but one where players can have fun. Rogue-likes allow you to become broken. That’s the point. If Torghast is based on that design philosophy, embrace the madness and allow players (everyone) to be broken.
It’s all good. The lack of foresight and planning is just hilarious, though…literally, 2 days.
nice changes. maybe it’ll actually be fun now.
The anima powers change is what I really wanted. Having more choice and more powers sounds like a huge win for me.
Careful now, having fun can get you flagged and reported by elitists
Why did they bother making 8 difficulties then?
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I don’t know bro. They should probably combine it into 3 or 4 you’re right.
Has this gone live yet? Because I wouldn’t call getting two anima powers for rolling as a ‘stronger selection’ of powers for a damn WW monk!
I’m all for a challenge but seeing the massive amounts of negative feedback is unfortunate but if it’s making casuals leave the game I could see this as a nice update.
Looks as if grouping in Torghast will be more of a viable option for players for floors 6 and up as well. Which is a great for guild incentive, grouping and communicating.
Oh sorry I forgot I have to grind my face off to get what I want. That’s true fun.
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never once typed ‘git gud’ or ‘l2p nub’
this is my main, lololol, not sure how else to reply to that. sorry you’re mad.
this your first time on the losing end of a debate?
Okay, I guess that makes more sense, but why does anyone need to go to Polygon to see this info?
Seems silly, and I think my point still stands. After all these years, the devs still seem like they’ve not got a clue how to handle these types of interactions with the playerbase, not to mention what is Beta even for if not to iron out these issues before it goes live?
Just skip the easy, low level options and do the hard ones. Not everyone likes to be punished while gaming. I can read the news if I want to be sad.
Let us have what we want and you can have yours. You don’t need to punish people who’s skills you think less of.
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That’s great. But what about the mobs that hit for 50% of our health with an auto attack? My rogue failed a floor cause Empowered Shackler and Empowered Guard hits with auto attacks harder than a rogue can self heal. This was on layer 6, so the health reduction wont make a difference.
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They failed to take into account when first designing it that a content challenge intended for elites was not compatible with having it also be a mandatory currency dispenser that needed to be farmable by everybody.
I’m an unapologetic casual and I’m happy it’s easier now.
I totally get that many people want a challenge, but I really do not. Wow is how I escape. If I want a challenge, I’ll do more work for my company.
We can have both.
Except the majority of the currency comes from levels that everyone should be able to clear. Losing faith in their design philosophies if they cave the instant the farmville crowd cries.
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Remove all the mobs that randomly spawn when you are out of combat while at it.
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I agree there. I main prot pally and it’s quite simple for me to run; I just bring a single healer friend and we 2 man all the layers-- slow, but guaranteed win every time.
That’s not quite “fun” if you know what I mean-- there’s definitely more potential to be tapped here.
the anima powers are for sure lackluster and need additions or reworks; for example on my ret spec, there’s virtually no interesting anima powers. The best ones you can get are like lowering the judgement CD by 1.5 seconds.
The anima powers should change how you play through the tower, but for that to be effective the powers have to make your character overpowered in some way. The tower mobs could potentially be huge scary one shot damage sponges-- only if the anima powers also made your character perform in a certain way that was really broken. Therefore consecutive runs would give you opportunities to build your toon differently through the run and take different strategies.
The powers are so inconsequential except for like one specific power for each class that you’re just stuck with a gameplay system that has little to no variation.
Lame rationalization you’ve made there. So it would be fine to make the worst possible game ever, with loads of unpopular, tedious, boring systems, because everybody who quits was going to quit anyway?