Not sure what m+15 or heroic/mythic raiding has to do w anything - the focus/convo is torghast.
then play levels 1-3 and be happy with your solo content? There is little to no real challenge in those levels - why do you want to drag down the entire difficulty system ? just so you can claim that doing higher levels should be casual? or because it should be casual to get legendaries…in the first few weeks of torghast.
It’s a bit defensive to say ‘im not the only one or they wouldn’t have’ …there are tons of people on both sides of the arguement. this is a non factor.
No - blizzard is going to do what keeps customers happy and therefore paying - but history has shown thats not always what the majority wants. that’s just flat out innacurate.
Failed to answer my question, I just assume you’re grouping up with a mostly formed guild and they needed a slot filled. Waste of time continuing my conversation with a loser that can’t get past 10/10 on norms.
Don’t pretend to not know what pugging is. If you are implying that I’m being carried, then feel free to look at my logs. Again, where is your progress? Oh right, you hiding behind your alt. And no, I’m not filling a slot for guilds that fail to even have a full roster at the beginning of the expansion. But sure call me a loser, coming from someone hiding. It’s ok LFR is open and you don’t even gotta do shriekwing.
How many times can you repeat your mistake per key and how frequent can you do so. Because last I checked, its fast to wipe sure buts its fast to try again.
The reward dont matter, its the practice per wipe that does.
Dude you are so right. My prot paladin facerolls this place, I just solo’d an 8 last night.
My frost mage couldn’t even beat some of the bosses…
The balance is just not there, and it can be so easily balanced just by providing better abilities for the classes. So unfortunate for the complete failure in beta testing.
And now they just nerfed it into the ground to the extent that it’s basically a running simulator.
Every single time you restart/fail a key you go down a level.
So if you want to push a new high, every single fail makes you keep going down until you time keys you already timed just to get the chance at a new high.