Updating Torghast this Week

Thnx for update, my feedback on " When the Empowered enemy at the end of a floor is a spellcaster, they should now have a longer delay between their basic magic damage spells. * Developers’ note: The goal of this change is to make powerful spellcasters less punishing for specializations that lack a frequent interrupt."

How about making the CD of interrupt (while in torghast) much lower or just get rid of it. This way every class that has longer CD on interrupt can now interrupt. This will then help other aspects of the game where most of the player base for some reason can’t find that interrupt button.


Torghast wasnt meant to be Mythic+ type content.

That was always intended for the corridor which opens later.
Hence why the rewards are nice there (including a mount usable in maw iirc)


I’m an idiot, I did a ctrl+f for a specific floor boss name and didn’t see anything, so I made an assumption.

" When the Empowered enemy at the end of a floor is a spellcaster, they should now have a longer delay between their basic magic damage spells.

  • Developers’ note: The goal of this change is to make powerful spellcasters less punishing for specializations that lack a frequent interrupt."


Who else opened this thread, then immediately thought of Tupacshekar and smiled.


If you want it difficult go run it naked with no gear, the rest of us want a fun relaxing time not another chore.


PREACH! :clap: Mods, pin this!

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The very first article i found on google.

Dark Souls - as we all know came out in 2010/2011.
cuphead - 2017
super meat boy - 2010

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy - 2017

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege - 2015

Super Mario Maker 2 - 2019

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 2019

Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee - 1997

Ring Fit Adventure - 2019

Battletoads - 1991

grats, took your advice and was proven right and less than 5 minutes.

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I didn’t take it in anyway, because it didn’t make…sense…

They cast fast - not a big deal - you have other spells other than an interrupt. and if you’re talking about protection, im not prot spec. im arms - so i have no idea what you’re talking about.

I constantly wonder if this is one of the main reasons people complain about Torghast. That and staying out of bad.

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“Thanks” for destroying key expansion feature. Just thought the other day that finally had something challenging to do after completing last layer 8 portal… In a couple months everyone will be 215+ ilvl - what we gonna do in there? Why bother with nerfs then - just give out everyone free weekly ash on zone in at the first portal.


I totally forgot about Contra. We used to be gods getting past those stages.

As Stephen Donaldson wrote:

When evil rises in its full power, it surpasses truth and may wear the guise of good without fear of discovery

The saddest part about all this is reading how absurd it actually was, what were you even thinking, releasing it in a state like that? 2 second cast times? Do I have 2 second cast times? No, remove unatural power all together get rid of the bs.

Well, it was actually Demon Souls which came out in 2009 that started the whole thing.

lol where did you find that list? You don’t need to cherry pick to make yourself right man. It’s dishonest.

I looked at like 10 lists and they all have games from the 80s and 90s with maybe 5-10 exceptions. And you post a list that has zero… yeah OK.

You’re wasting both our time.

Now make it like mythic keys and have it contribute to the gear chest.

How DARE they try to make a core expansion feature FUN and ACCESSIBLE to players.

What will the elitists do with their free time after completing Mythic Castle Nathria, getting Glad in PvP, and completing 100 M+20 Keys?


Well last week I made it through layer 2 with my blood dk. This week I’m dying to the 5th floor boss and cannot proceed beyond that on layer 2. I’ve tried with frost and blood. I’m starting to twitch. I’m a fan of harder content but gee I’d like to make it to layer 3 again like last week so I can progress and not recess. Or something.

If one of the goal is to reduced the time spent in torghast, wouldn’t the simplest solution be removing some floors? I don’t know if 6 was necessary

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I’d actually like some cosmetics or transmog added to make it a bit more worthwhile beyond just dust.