Thnx for update, my feedback on " When the Empowered enemy at the end of a floor is a spellcaster, they should now have a longer delay between their basic magic damage spells. * Developers’ note: The goal of this change is to make powerful spellcasters less punishing for specializations that lack a frequent interrupt."
How about making the CD of interrupt (while in torghast) much lower or just get rid of it. This way every class that has longer CD on interrupt can now interrupt. This will then help other aspects of the game where most of the player base for some reason can’t find that interrupt button.
I didn’t take it in anyway, because it didn’t make…sense…
They cast fast - not a big deal - you have other spells other than an interrupt. and if you’re talking about protection, im not prot spec. im arms - so i have no idea what you’re talking about.
“Thanks” for destroying key expansion feature. Just thought the other day that finally had something challenging to do after completing last layer 8 portal… In a couple months everyone will be 215+ ilvl - what we gonna do in there? Why bother with nerfs then - just give out everyone free weekly ash on zone in at the first portal.
The saddest part about all this is reading how absurd it actually was, what were you even thinking, releasing it in a state like that? 2 second cast times? Do I have 2 second cast times? No, remove unatural power all together get rid of the bs.
Well last week I made it through layer 2 with my blood dk. This week I’m dying to the 5th floor boss and cannot proceed beyond that on layer 2. I’ve tried with frost and blood. I’m starting to twitch. I’m a fan of harder content but gee I’d like to make it to layer 3 again like last week so I can progress and not recess. Or something.