Updating Torghast this Week

So how’s the 7 kids and the job Tupac?


Agree. Even with better gear, on layer 8 I’m basically forced to single pull skeletons around dual elite packs then sap an elite and murder the other with 3 minute CDs… then vanish off the other elite because of Overwhelming Power.

Bosses were less of an issue due to being able to negate most of their abilities with clever use of vanish/bind/stun/cloak/evasion.

No amount of gear is going to let me deal as much damage or be as defensive as lucky anima powers and it just wasn’t worth the time for the extra 80 soul ash per week. This is with all the Ven’ari upgrades available to us.

Yes I know that. I recognize that the majority of WoW players want to cruise through the game with no or minor challenge.

And that this is true of games in general… modern games are more like “experiencing a movie” rather an “overcoming a challenge”. It’s a damn shame.

What did you add to my post?


I tried it out Tuesday evening post-buff and good lord it was really rough. The forums might be scary but trying it out in person is even scarier.
I did all of the layers up-to-date each and every week until that buff. Coldheart Interstitia and Skoldus Halls respective layer 6’s were challenging, but I could still separate packs and my cautiousness paid off and I cleared both layers. This week? Way tougher. I’m excited to get back into it now though.

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Well yea, Torghast is fine for everyone that’s a tank or healer. Priests have it easy, try being a class that doesn’t have healing and not getting the proper RNG anima powers.


I thought it was 11 kids and 4 jobs…and all that as a Vietnam vet.


finally some changes in the right direction, THANK YOU!

He’s a legend friend lmao.


The 20 kids and 6 jobs. Tupac’s got a lot on his plate, you can’t blame him.


Remove the assassin bs can’t even sit down to eat in there

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And what gear level are you assuming for rank 8?

Because right now most people are in M0 gear range, which in terms of a raid tier, is trash.

Thanks a lot for these fixes. They were sorely needed.

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1+hour is nothing…i also spend 1h30m approx in a mythic last night, no breaks because yknow…goodness forbid one player has to afk for a few mins - people will leave, esp after a few deaths - commitment is hard for people - and i dont think an hour commitment . or even two hours, is much of a big deal at all.

this has never happened to me other than my first run or two in torghast because i didn’t understand the system entirely yet.

I’m seeing other rogues say its easy as hell and at some of the highest levels so im not sure which way to sway on that one…player problem or spec problem…or as everyone wants to point the finger at …torghast problem?

I have to do the same thing as a warrior otherwise die to my own stupid mistakes, and this is a good system imo.

So slow down and wait for vanish?? lmao…you think ive never waited a minute or two just to get a cooldown back because i dont need to feel like i’m steamrolling through everything

a rogue pulling two elites PLUS normal mobs is alot to ask for…LMAO. how many elites does a ROGUE need to be able to take out in one pull before you stop crying? …this is turning into a massive joke.

I need all CD’s for certain elites aswell - dependant on powers - which is fine - but i will agree the assassin is a bit too strong for a random rogue that pops up out of nowhere - altho i can kill it easy enough…it should be less defense (the mob should get hit harder) and it should hit hard…not feel like a tank just spawned on you.

Everybody knows about blizzards hard on for paladins…you can say it…no shame.

Torghast isnt unbalanced, the classes are.

…& If that’s your analogy as to the difficulty in torghast, then please. how would you change it to be ‘well-crafted’ content.

Offer solutions . im listening.

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I think Ralph’s crown is still intact - but Tupak’s late season charge to the top tier of the rankings should have Ralph concerned for next season. Who knows, I think the kid might just be a contender for the title in 2021!


Thank you for addressing this stuff now - it was becoming really mind numbing and painful.

I am really happy the annoyance time comsuming factors being reduced like the out of combat torments and the anima power changes should help with the RNG factor making a whole run a net loss.

I will say there is nothing wrong with a layer 7 or layer 8 being difficult though - careful not to lose the challenge factor in the higher layers.


Got a source to that claim?

for those of you who will now claim you have even less challenge during your weekly 20 minute clear…

You can go back to what you do the rest of the week… i am guessing you can get your challenge over there in your dungies

It’s a start. I remain cautiously hopeful but I won’t hold my breath. I think more will need to be done to make the experience palatable.

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Yea those are freaking stupid I tried to break a rune on a lock and it took 5 minutes as i got attacked 8 times trying to figure out the puzzle

I love all the ego measuring contests in this discussion.

You cleared layer 8 at 120 ilvl…good for you?..maybe Grumblez will give you one of his cookies.

The issue was that it wasn’t a face roll for the large number of casuals that play this game. The RNG of the anima powers was too far askew – it was either feast or famine with abilities that you needed to survive the over- tuned final bosses. Exploding rats was neat for clearing out the floor, but pointless for the bosses since there wasn’t rats – so why did RNG choose to give me exploding rats on 8 of my anima drops?

That was the issue. Not that you’re “1337” because you could clear it, and everyone else was a “scrub.”

Too much RNG was either making it a breeze or a headache.

Blizzard tweaked things all-around, it looks like.

You can still have your “measuring” contests with the higher layers and the infinite bits coming up.