Updated UI Runes in 10.1

I haven’t seen much talk about this.

For those that don’t know Paladins, DKs and possibly others are getting the visuals updated for their class specific resource in 10.1.

What are peoples thoughts?
I might actually use this come 10.1.

Also, it appears they have changed the visual slightly for KM and Rime.
Just increased it’s brightness I think?
Sadly nothing for the double KM proc.

Who gives a fkin, hot, steamy turd about the visuals? Rework DK to be a functional class again!


It’s ok. Not amazed by it really did not know it was a thing

Lots of people, just not you apparently.
Enough for them to update everything.
Better get on Twitter and tell the art team to start working on class design!

It currently is a functional class…
You just don’t like it.
Does not mean the specs are not “functional”

It looks better with all the animations.
My screenshots don’t do it justice.

I think they coulda gone a bit bigger with the visuals though. Especially something for RP.

is what you wanted to say.

Dealing tank damage outside of cooldowns is not functional for me.

Being dependant of PI to keep up with other classes is not functional for me.

Being the slowest melee class with the worst defensive toolkit in PvP is not functional for me.

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They still are not runes. ?

Rogue is also updated. Not a huge fan the new combo points are 3x the size of the old and it’s rather obnoxious.

Paladins took our runes it appears.

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Why did they redesign all of these resources? Arcane Charges, Soul Shards, Runes, Holy Power, Combo Points, Chi.

They look like cartoonish low poly low effort garbage that was created by a middle schooler just learning photoshop.

And why are our runes skulls? They used to at least be runelike… but now it doesnt resemble what our primary resource actually is.

I could probably design something better in procreate and my Ipad screen doesnt work.

Go pull up Maximum’s 10.1 melee tier list and stop crying.

It’s easier to play your class when your keyboard isn’t slippery from baby tears.

I love when people have no idea what specific disciplines do and when they think they can tell community managers that they should fix the game