Updated Spawn Areas?

So I’ve been playing WoW again for about a week or so after being away since the release of cataclysm and something REALLY bothers me…
Its been YEARS and they havent seemed to update certain races spawn areas! WHY?!
Like the Draenei for example, it’s been literal YEARS since the burning crusade and the only thing new about them is the narrator updating us on the lore! Why are we still emerging from a crash landing? Why is the island we crashe don still polluted and mutating the local wildlife? Why am i still helping wounded people from the crash? Like seriously, it was so unbelievable that i just made my character and went straight to the humans starting area cause that seems to be the only place thats changed!
Now I am glad that they have made SOME updates for different races such as the gnomes reclaiming their capital and whatnot, but it just seems so minuscule!

So I have to ask, is the WoW team planning on updating other races spawn areas? cause I would really like to see the Draenei contain the pollution their crash caused and start building up their own little settlement on their island along with the night elfs, cause ya know, their neighbors, neighbors gotta help each other and i think it would be pretty neat seeing night elf and Draenei architecture combine into one!