[UPDATED SEPT. 18] Choose the Next Shadowlands Mount

Because we have a billion in game cat mounts and cats suck, Tree won’t fit into any doors and will get you hung up on this especially with warmode on, a flying book…most of the playerbase doesn’t even read quest text but they want to ride on a leatherbound book fill with words?


“most boring option” LOL, that’s your opinion mate - I voted for the tree

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Fixed that for you.

Please be the tree mount. Then the caterpillar. Already have plenty of cats.

I love trees.

Everyone says there’s too many cat mounts but as a Horde player the only sabers I can get without a ridiculous amount of gold or money are the 2 Darkshore ones or the Zulian panther which won’t happen anytime soon, so I kind of want another cat :frowning: however I think it’d be best if Blizz gave us the top voted one for free and let us earn the rest of them eventually instead of scrapping the ideas entirely


Its just a tree. Trees need to be burned to the ground


Concept art. * chants * Concept art. :slight_smile:

Can’t wait till tomorrow for this concept art and for it to be displayed on launcher. :heart: Then they should start getting lots of votes coming in. Hopefully.

Well that sucks. Sorry to hear that!
Not the biggest fan of it myself mostly due to massive mounts just being annoying to use. Hence voting for the saber.

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Hey so I just checked, based on what it let me do it appears that you can change your vote. Thanks to Lights.

I am a night elf, so I had to vote for the slimekitty.

For memorizing 2020, I would like to see a Face Mask Mount LUL

As a main mage I’d love to have the spelltome mount.

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Why is getting stuck in doors a prob for people when 99% of questing/raiding/dungeon/pvping rarely have a building, what a lazy person argument.

Caterpillar is by far the lamest option, even the crappy blood tick reskin would be miles better.

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Why is the poll for this closed? It says until September 18, but it’s only September 4 and the topic is now locked and no longer accepting new replies/votes.

Were the poll options not in a randomized order? I think ancient was listed first for me and it has a significant lead. How many people just clicked the first option?

GO GO wandering ent!


Guys the answer is caterpillar right? We’re all gonna vote caterpillar?

Plz I want one so bad


Are you me?

JK, but really though, I’m in the same boat. Only my fool self decided 2D animation was a winner. ;___:

Team Wiggle Boi FTW


The reason ancient is winning is because of lotr you could slot it last and it would still win.

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