[UPDATED SEPT. 18] Choose the Next Shadowlands Mount

Honestly, I would have liked to have been able to chose between different covenant themed mounts or a least some sort of anima themed mount.


Would be fun for a mage, got my vote.

I love someone took the time out to make these quick sketches. :heart: It really shows me how important concept art is… personally I think the Nerubian and caterpillar are not as strong as the others in this particular artwork. I was hoping for a bit more flavor on each mount. The binding on the book is neat for sure. It’s just that artists interpretation and I enjoy that… Not that they did a bad job (on the two) just prefer the other three mounts over it. Again why it is important to see what we are voting on. For me anyways.

It didn’t seem to take this person long. So I would imagine it shouldn’t take Blizzard long either. If they even let us see on what we are voting on. Even simple official sketches like this would work. I hope they do.


I can see the Ancient being built on the skeleton of the Mechanized Lumber Extractor (irony) and moving in that terrible jerky motion. That’s what makes it so unappealing to me, despite the uniqueness of the idea.
Voted cat, but happy with anything (as long as the tree isn’t built on the lumber extractor, ugh).

Come on Caterpillar! Time for something new and not a recolor/reskin of existing mount!

I picture the Wandering Ancient as a giant version of the blossoming ancient battle pet


Really? Majority people would rather ride a large tree? That’s so lame…

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I like the sound of a Wandering Ancient, to make it more interesting how about a “Charred Darnassus Ancient”?


All of these options sound cool in their own way but this is how I’m looking at it. Yes a treant mount would be unique to have but I see it being more like the infernals or like the gronnlings. Not many people use those mounts because honestly they’re annoyingly big. We have so many cat mounts (which I absolutely love them all) but I believe the slime kitty should stay as a cute little pet. Now for the spelltome, that was gonna be my first pick but then I started thinking how weird it would fly or how awkward our characters would sit on it. Then my thoughts went towards the carpets and I just didn’t find that appealing in my eyes. It still sounds cool so if blizzard ends up making it into a professional mount I would still get it lol. Now the nerubian swarmers, they are just more nazmir swarmers from bfa, so definitely a no in my books. The caterpillar is quite a new unusual mount that I didn’t think would ever come about in the game like the honeyback bee. I find it super adorable and would be a nice new addition to mount collector’s stables as well as in the game as a whole. The only thing I hope for if the curious caterpillar wins is that they change the colors from MOP and add news colors to fit more to the nightfae esthetic. kind of like how the butterflies coming are so vibrant. I’d love to see a beautiful vibrant caterpillar wiggling its way through shadowlands!

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To those worried their choice might not win… 5 mounts to choose from. 1 will be free. that leeaves 4 remaining mounts. How many 6 month “free” mounts have we gotten in BFA? you can pretty much bet these will be the 6 month CON you into staying subscribed mounts. And the bigger con you can have 20 months of wow times via tokens but thats not a 6 month sub. you might be locked into the game for 2 years but thats not good enough we need subscriber count to show off to the share holders

Gooey Slimesaber

These all seem like good ideas,consistent with behavior and location for back stories. However,i think it would be incredible if Blizzard came up with something like a dark unicorn mount. Something beautifully mixed with living dead features with the classic unicorn and maybe a backstory like “this was the trusted companion of Elune”. With Shadowlands, I feel like this could be a very nice “Shadow of the past” thing to go with it,and what better creature to present then the iconic unicorn,the symbol of death and rebirth? I would LOVE to see this happen.

Please don’t vote for the gooey cat, don’t let these cat-obsessed people ruin an opportunity to get a unique mount like the catepillar. Also get luck getting the tree mount through any doors you will be switching to a smaller mount within hours when you find how unusable the tree is in most cities.

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I vote for the Caterpillar because the others seem boring to me. We need an army of Caterpillars lol


If the gooey kitty doesn’t win I’ll riot, I NEED that bad boy in my life. I know I would prefer one of the more unique ones otherwise, but the fact that slime cat mount won’t be a thing otherwise, now that I know it can exist I NEEEEEEEED it to exist

so true bro.

That would be pretty awesome! But would it be ssslllllooooowwwww?

Problem is, all of these (barring maybe the Spelltome) sound like ground mounts, whereas every store/6-month mount has been a flyer. To add, the 6-month promotional mounts are thrown on the store almost immediately anyway.

The worst-case scenario there is that they’re giving up one of their five chances to charge players $25 over the next two years, which, uh, cool I guess?

I still think the losers will get the Azeroth Chopper treatment, where they’re eventually made and put on a vendor somewhere to function as mid-expansion gold sinks.

Im so sad that the Nerubian is losing. I think it has such potential, especially with all of the fan concept art for it. Glad to see the Wandering Ancient is doing well, i think that will be an amazing free mount. This is such a great and cool idea for the community. Would love to see a Nerubian mount some how obtainable in the game in the future

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Wandering tree mount plz


If the Wandering Ancient wins out, will the Horde version be smoldering or on fire?

Too soon?

I’ll see myself out…