[UPDATED SEPT. 18] Choose the Next Shadowlands Mount

Or a faterpillar, as it were.


Are these the semi humanoid spider men, or the big beetles/more insect nerubians?

If I’m riding a ‘taur’ style mount, that’s a little gross. If I’m riding a qiraji battle tank style build, I’m SO GAME.

I want all of them. My vote may not be relevant though, since I may not have Shadowlands until who knows when. I may be able to purchase the collectors edition when it’s available on Amazon again, but I didn’t have a chance to obtain BfA until this past December.


too many cat mounts… the book would just look dumb… the tree will be way too big… spider would be okay, I guess

Because it’s a swarmer, which means it’s like the Nazmir blood ticks and not an actual, cool Nerubian

If they don’t make the caterpillar look like Heimlich from A Bug’s Life I will riot.

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These fan votes always go perfectly with no hitches and everyone is always super satisfied with the results sarcasm unit overload, shutting down

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Concept art please, by next week possibly? Would be really appreciated.

Idk the swarmer pet doesn’t look that much like the blood ticks. Plus, assuming these will be store mounts (obviously) they should all be totally unique from anything else in the game.

if it wins it will be a reskin of the blood tick spider not that or i would have voted for it as well

These mounts are free to people who own Shadowlands before Q1. Like the bikes from that event ages ago.

You don’t think Blizz is gonna throw the losers up on the Store?

They haven’t made them yet, so no. If they’d made them we’d have previews of what they’ll look like rather than descriptions.

I respect your faith in the devs lol

I have none. I’m just saying the model won’t have been made for these mounts and none of them are likely unique enough to be on the store. The ones that lose probably just won’t get made.

Personally I think a multi-passenger Tree mount would be freaking awesome. if you do the tree blizz, please please please! make it multi passenger :smiley:

SNOT KITTY!! This game needs more drippy things!

And yet, that doesn’t change the fact that it is still the most generic option out of these mount choices. Its also one that will never fly so, really, what’s the point.

I voted for the Ancient… The ents are on the move! :slight_smile: What would be cool too is if you had a red/gold Autumn color for the Horde side and a lush green (maybe with some flowers) for the Alliance?

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Can we get a tree with swings in it to hold your party?