[Updated Sept. 12] Shadowlands Season 4—Now Live!

In some instances, you’ll be in queue for longer than 30 minutes, then have to do the additional 30 minutes to clear the wing.

LFR isn’t an efficient use of your time, and you’d be better off making your own group on normal and clearing what you can in that same 45-60 minutes. Then, pick up where you left off in your lock out another day to continue on.

You’ll have plenty of time to do it, you’re not in a rush.


absolutely nothing like always unless you are a high level raider/mythic+ or pvp’er

How dare you respond to me.

They always have. That’s why fomo exists in the game.

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I’m not here to talk about jellycat although that seems to be the largest point of contention. I’ve been keeping up on and scouring the boards but I haven’t seen this answered: have they clarified if tier tokens are dropping on Non-Sepulcher Fated raids or are we expected to upgrade whatever we get and turn it into tier from the catalyst?

I have a few characters with 4-set already but I am trying to gear a different class to raid with and haven’t been able to push beyond 2-set as I’ve only been able to get ineligible gear (cypher/crafted/sandworn) in the remaining tier slots.

Bruh, you can pug normal easily. They want you put in just a little bit of effort. You’ll be fine, trust.


I’m so sorry about your GM passing away.

Can we get a bump on the crafter’s mark? Having access to a good secondary stat dump via the rings and neck with a speed boost has been a staple of rated pvp in season 3

If we remove this, slower classes like DK and Pal are going to have an even tougher time keeping up with people who can infinitely run away

Two requests, please.

…Remove the “unique-equipped” tag from 262 crafted items. It will give the non-raiders a little bit more power progression without pushing the new raid gear levels.

…Extend the Winds of Wisdom XP buff until at least pre-patch. It will give all the non- raiders something to do.


First I support the LFR being an option just because people need to understand no matter how hard you try force people to be your friends and thinking forcing people to socialize will somehow be a longlasting relationship is ingnorant.
BUT more important I thought the mount was going to be a larger version of the jelly CAt not a Slime/Jelly Saber (which looks cool), so in going to be less inclined to get this i want a cute Jelly cat, maybe for Haloween? or Aniversary?


Break up normal raid into wings like in lfr, then i have no problem with it.


The mount doesnt need to be added to LFR in my opion. Mainly due to the fact that the people that do raid will most likely not to LFR cause of their ilvl.

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Please reconsider the restrictions for the slime Saber mount.
As many have stated, not everyone wants to put together a group or try to join pugs. And LFR is a better option. Not everyone wants to be forced to raid.
From what I understand, it is also limited time so I must get it this season or never. This seems unreasonably cruel when many people in the wow community voted for and wanted this mount. Gating a unique mount behind normal+ is cruel when the achievement always advertised “ANY difficulty” for months.
At the very least, let people get the mount after season 4. If it was like glory achievements and I could wait a year or 2 to come back and complete it solo I wouldn’t mind. That’s the price to pay for not raiding while it’s current.
A lot of people here think you only need a pulse to do normal raids. Not all of us WANT to play with others. And if normal is so easy, why not add LFR too? We may not know the mechanics. We may have anxiety. We may have time constraints. We may have health issues (like me having carpal tunnel issues). Some communities like perky pugs will help I’m sure but you have to be lucky to even get in. And this is ALL bosses not just end bosses so it won’t work nearly as well as AOTC runs. Or we have to spend tons of gold on a run which is even more cruel. Keeping those restrictions just puts more bad will towards the more casual players. Stop trying to force people to raid and pulling the rug from under your players by changing the requirements last minute. I’d love to have this mount. I just feel the current restrictions are unnecessary.


Put the Slime Cat in LFR.


Or maybe they should realize they should never trust this company with anything anymore. Ever.

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I think either way, even with a friendship group, it will be a pain, and not worth the time investment on average. There will be a huge supply and demand for this mount, guaranteed.

I have just decided to cross it off the list for me at this point. I have plenty of other cat mounts. They just are not gooey. Oh well. I will live.

Unless i luck out and i can clear all 3 fated raids in an hour or so with a group make up ASAP, and i happen to get in a reasonable time. But as of now, i am not dealing with this toxic community on normal mode or heroic or whatever.

But the LFR community can be just as toxic and annoying. But at least all i have to do is que up for the 3 wings, and bam i have it. Very Similar to molten core for the 10th anniversary. I qued up, and i had a corehound. That is how simple LFR people want this.

So with the normal and heroic and mythic folks, not only do you have to deal with the toxic people and the toxic environments, but you have to deal with annoying wait times, setting up everything up, and all that junk mail. Possibly being called a few choice names, criticized for dps being low, loot being ninjaed, favoritism, elitism, nepitism, and everything else that goes with it.

Even if you get vote kicked from LFR, and you might have to deal with all that stuff i mentioned for normal and heroic and mythic group makeups, I can always que back up later, and odds are the group will be better next time around. I have never met a decent raid group make up on my server. Ever. But i guess if i by some miracle am able to find one, then yay, i might have the gooey saber. But i haven’t had any luck so far with the raiding communities, but maybe things might change.

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Heck, the same community in the normal and heroic and mythic groups complain about master loot being deleted from the game. That is because, the people in the normal, heroic and mythic communities who are bad, and there are a few good ones out there, are so bloody bad and terrible human beings, that blizzard felt the need to delete master looter from the game. Because, people like asmongold, among others, abused it to ninja loot stuff from the game from other people. Not how the developers intended the loot system to be used, i am sure.

I mean, shoot. I see more normal, helpful LFR players than i see nice normal raiding mythic and heroic players, that is for sure.

Oyeah! I’m that old! flex


Who cares about S4 except normal-heroic elitists who want to gatekeep a mount from the LFR players please give LFR the slime kitty as said in the achievements.


I would argue that there are some normal and heroic and mythic raiders out there, but it is a pretty low percentage of them are actual decent people. Heck. I could probably get a big love rocket before i find a decent gooey saber raid group going, that isn’t super toxic. That is how rare it is to find a decent normal or heroic raid group in this game with normal people who aren’t completely toxic.