I think either way, even with a friendship group, it will be a pain, and not worth the time investment on average. There will be a huge supply and demand for this mount, guaranteed.
I have just decided to cross it off the list for me at this point. I have plenty of other cat mounts. They just are not gooey. Oh well. I will live.
Unless i luck out and i can clear all 3 fated raids in an hour or so with a group make up ASAP, and i happen to get in a reasonable time. But as of now, i am not dealing with this toxic community on normal mode or heroic or whatever.
But the LFR community can be just as toxic and annoying. But at least all i have to do is que up for the 3 wings, and bam i have it. Very Similar to molten core for the 10th anniversary. I qued up, and i had a corehound. That is how simple LFR people want this.
So with the normal and heroic and mythic folks, not only do you have to deal with the toxic people and the toxic environments, but you have to deal with annoying wait times, setting up everything up, and all that junk mail. Possibly being called a few choice names, criticized for dps being low, loot being ninjaed, favoritism, elitism, nepitism, and everything else that goes with it.
Even if you get vote kicked from LFR, and you might have to deal with all that stuff i mentioned for normal and heroic and mythic group makeups, I can always que back up later, and odds are the group will be better next time around. I have never met a decent raid group make up on my server. Ever. But i guess if i by some miracle am able to find one, then yay, i might have the gooey saber. But i haven’t had any luck so far with the raiding communities, but maybe things might change.