[Updated Sept. 12] Shadowlands Season 4—Now Live!

Oh you thought the new Blizzard would design anything for casual players? Nope. They just do a better job listening to their subset of the community that exists to funnel everything to high end raiders. What unique benefit does this season provide to anyone that queues for content due to schedules or other limitations?


Guess the 3 devs who worked on S4 didn’t get the memo about goodwill that the rest of the team working on DF has.


So it’s still going to be that you can only vendor target 3 items for the entire season and then you’re back to RNG square one…
All this development time and absolutely nothing for open world…
4 world bosses for the Nathria fated rotation but only 1 per rotation so 4 rotations to get through all of them…

Meet new Blizzard and WOW dev team. The same as old Blizzard and WoW dev team.


PLEASE change the color of the Eternal Gladiator mount! It is hideous poop color, and no high end pvper even likes this color! Why do the m+ players get their mount recolored because it was ugly, but our gladiator mount has to stay some ugly color? This is unfair treatment.


I mean, imagine if all the people who only do PVE and not PVP would be forced to do rated PVP content, or they can’t get the mount. What? You play every day but for some reason people think you are a casual because you don’t do PVP and only PVE? Mhmmm…
N’zoth in LFR was harder than the Normal one lol. What’s point of the existence of LFR? I will get the mount in normal, fine. I understand you want more people to do your ““New”” content, but sadly most of them will just pay a boost… I hope I’m wrong and you are right Blizzard…


Please consider removing the chain attached to the mounts head. The pixels on it look really bad and it just doesn’t compliment the mount whatsoever. It would look 1 million times better with no chain.

People like it’s the end of the world that they can’t AFK LFR for a mount.


I realize everyone’s circumstances are different - But my guild more or less folded in early BFA because our leader was hospitalized and eventually passed away, and no one was motivated to take up the reins and keep it going after she was gone (A few tried along the way, but it always fizzled out pretty quickly)

Now - I’ve been in this guild since MoP, and I’m still in said guild, and have friends there, but it’s pretty dead now, there is no active raid team anymore, and I haven’t done an organized raid since Legion. Honestly as I got away from it - I found I enjoyed having the free time I used to devote to raiding back to do other things. So I never really had much motivation to seek a replacement guild. Nor seek organized raiding again.

So yeah - It sucks to see such a cool mount locked behind content I haven’t had any desire to touch for like 5 years. I see a lot of people saying, “Just do normal” or “Normal is easier anyway” … And I’m sure that’s true if you’re still someone in the raiding loop. It more or less was back when I used to raid - Sure we could knock out normal as a guild much easier than some LFR pugs tend to go. BUT…

What’s NOT so easy when you’re NOT in the raiding loop is - Convincing a pug to pick up a random guy who hasn’t devoted any time to gearing up or raiding at all to just take me along. Not just for ONE full raid, but THREE full raids, no less. Again, haven’t set foot in an actual Non-LFR raid for five years… was plenty competent when I did, but haven’t sweated min/maxing my numbers for QUITE a while now (nor do I have any desire to start sweating it again). Getting a group to take me now? At the end of the expansion? Yeah that sounds like pulling teeth to me. Not usually a ton of people looking for carries with no-experience at this stage. Mostly groups farming gear that want to be as quick and efficient as possible, and don’t have time for anyone who’s that green.

So. Yeah. Would have been nice to see this in LFR.

The one silver lining is - So many people are complaining about it, I don’t think it’s impossible they might not still change it.


So why can edge of the night be purchased at vendors as an epic and hunter bow cannot be, turn the bow into an epic and allow us to purchase the bow…

Same with jailers weapon for plate wearers… does not seem to be consistent

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seriously, Add Mount to LFR.


Why do edge of night and the bow get increased drop chances and im still yet to see a gavel drop, the only one in our guild was on a bdk in lfr.



Put the slime cat in ANY difficulty like it was originally advertised.

Otherwise you can take your season 4 :ox: :poop: and shove it.


People should take this as an opportunity, and perhaps a wake up call, to improve their skills to achieve better things. This mount is your incentive to upgrade to Normal from LFR. Everyone is capable of it, they just need to dip their toes in.


I’z got a gut feeling that I won’t be playing DF/WOW in the VERY, VERY near future.


Free Britney…I mean make the Kitty LFR.

Oh Blizzard should take this as an opportunity that people do not like being lied to/misinformed. Blizzard could have told us months in advance this cat was normal mode only but only decided to do so today, after most people probably ended up subbing for season 4 in the hopes of getting this mount.


Achievement related mounts have always excluded LFR, it should have been expected.


This is the first time a “fated” raid was ever added. We have had achievements specify if LFR is not eligible and the PTR did not specifically exclude it.

This is the first we EVER got anything like this where you have to kill every expansion raid boss for a mount.

We had how many blue post giving clarifications about how Fated raid would work? None of them bothered to correct what was commonly assumed by people to be what would happen?


10 man mythic raiding or your game sucks

It’s like they’d rather spike the ball at the 10 yard line instead of getting the touch down. Mind boggling decision making, unless they just want to increase those sweet sweet token sales. Then it makes complete sense.


Um not really. The lava hound was all lfr for doing molten core.

This just a hit to super casuals.

I myself dislike going through premade groups as well. At least with lfr you arent competing for spots and requeue very easily.

The mount is also going away. Blizzard pushes for too much premade group stuff and leaves nothing much for people that like to auto-queue.