Please reconsider the restrictions for the slime Saber mount.
As many have stated, not everyone wants to put together a group or try to join pugs. And LFR is a better option. Not everyone wants to be forced to raid.
From what I understand, it is also limited time so I must get it this season or never. This seems unreasonably cruel when many people in the wow community voted for and wanted this mount. Gating a unique mount behind normal+ is cruel when the achievement always advertised “ANY difficulty” for months.
At the very least, let people get the mount after season 4. If it was like glory achievements and I could wait a year or 2 to come back and complete it solo I wouldn’t mind. That’s the price to pay for not raiding while it’s current.
A lot of people here think you only need a pulse to do normal raids. Not all of us WANT to play with others. And if normal is so easy, why not add LFR too? We may not know the mechanics. We may have anxiety. We may have time constraints. We may have health issues (like me having carpal tunnel issues). Some communities like perky pugs will help I’m sure but you have to be lucky to even get in. And this is ALL bosses not just end bosses so it won’t work nearly as well as AOTC runs. Or we have to spend tons of gold on a run which is even more cruel. Keeping those restrictions just puts more bad will towards the more casual players. Stop trying to force people to raid and pulling the rug from under your players by changing the requirements last minute. I’d love to have this mount. I just feel the current restrictions are unnecessary.