Updated Paladin Mounts

Blizzard go pay this guy some money and get his mount into the game. Its just so much better than the one in-game and saves you hours and hours of work while benefiting everyone.


Those look really nice. Always loved the look of a warhorse all kitted out.

And by everyone he means paladins.

Blizzard paying for anything associated to their games. Ahahahahha. You do know they SUED Leroy Jenkins for making memorabilia, right?

Also they don’t need them. The chargers are still two of the coolest mounts in the game IMO.

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Delete Paladins and we won’t need time spent on new mounts.

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If they wish to add new options, I agree. But please do not replace things that others enjoy.


I feel like the Legion class mount was the upgraded version.


Exactly. Adding an updated updated charger/warhorse like in the video alongside the original models: nice. Adding them, yet taking away the originals: ugg…


I personally was a bit disappointed with the Legion Order Hall mounts for paladins, I think they look great but also just another horse… and none of them were Sin’dorei themed.

Which, I know, is a laughable complaint, but my favorite version of that charger is the Sin’dorei one. I love the red themes of blood elves.

Then again, now that dwarves, Tauren, Draenei, have their own mounts… I like all of those as well.

That guys work is great.


Every version of the Paladin mount is good except the human one, it’s why I can’t imagine playing a human paladin ever since Divine Steed became a thing. I like literally all of them but the human one. Thalassian is my favorite too.

The work in the OP would make me feel very different about that.

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I think the class hall mounts were the updates. Frankly, they should just let all the pally mounts fly. My pally is a dwarf and a flying ram is no more awkward than a flying horse.

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I’ve been holding out for a gnome paladin but I swear to god, you give me a flying ram and I will dust off my dorf paladin faster than you can breathe

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I was all too ready to snark and say, “They already got a new charger mount in legion.” He saw me coming a mile away! :face_with_peeking_eye:

These look great. I would actually love an update. For the dreadsteed and felsteed as well.

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Damn, that was a great video.

I’d love to see some updated armor sets from older expansions.

Judgement, WARBRINGER FOR WARRIORS. Some of the cooler hunter armor from BC.


No, they got better things to do, like creating Burger King Helmets and booger cat mounts for the 1%. :smirk:

I’d like chargers obtained by the old quest line to be slightly different from the current ones.

Don’t you dare change my “pretty puffy pally pony”!!

Seriously, they are horrible and I refuse to use them. They remind me of cows that have been blow-dried. In fact most of the class mounts were frakking awful. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Box price and a sub fee; no reason to still have N64 like graphics in this game.

One of the class hall mounts has red in it. Maybe just not enough? :thinking: I love the quote. lol

“What’s he so mad about?”

I thought this thread read Undead Paladin Mounts . . . Someday!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine: