[UPDATED NOV 15] Dragonflight Pre-Expansion Phase 2 Update Notes—Now Live!

You forgot to fix the UI scaling

Nope. I didn’t, actually. Played quite a bit with the UI scaling but the lack of scaling in the so-called ‘Edit’ mode of the UI doesn’t actually help here.

Make the UI scale bigger >> Your screen is eaten by the mini-map and the Quest log box.
Make the UI scale smaller >> You can’t actually read anything and good luck trying to click on anything on the microscopic monochromatic wing-ding inspired menu bar.

There is an option for this

Let us be… :smiling_imp:

it’s because they are. The reason you don’t think so, is because you’re at 272 ilevel, and you’ve never been at higher ratings in arena, trust me when i say this, Dh’s are basically playing an entirely different game compared to everyone else, it feels like they’re 1 expansion ahead of everyone one else.

They mentioned Threads of Fate is no more as Shadowlands is being added to Chromie time but thats all i saw. Not sure if that answers your question

It’s hilarious how many 1400 nubs complain about any class that is doing well or better than others every single time. DHs are no more broken than Monk, DK, Warrior, or Affy, and all of those classes you can beat and counter, even though they are slightly overturned. It’s also prepatch. They are worrying about launching Dragonflight first, and then they will balance over the next few months. Chill.

Is the old Uldaman getting revamped and deleted entirely? Or is it like return to kharazhan where the old kharazhan still exists? I cannot find confirmation anywhere.

separate dungeon entrance