But Chaos Bolt can be cast all Willy Nilly? You’re a joke. You play a bubble blowing puff class based around lore of being holy.
It’s of great irony that adventures’ updates get developers’ notes, but nerfs & enhancements do not. If they did, perhaps 80% of users’ qualms with ridiculous power imbalances, between specs and classes, would be put to rest; of greater irony is that beta testing should make it so that such great imbalances don’t exist; let alone the effect on staying true to role-play (with hybrid classes having bursts that supercede even those of specialty ones; let alone more minor role reversals).
But, this one takes the cake. In what was Blizz’s chance to nerf boomies, at least to show that they once in a while look at the game they’ve created, they instead did the following:
- Fury of Elune (Talent) will now deal damage even if the Druid is in cat or bear form.
I must be utterly delusional, because am I missing something? Does Blizzard, in fact, have no desire whatsoever to even hint that correcting major class & spec imbalances is one of their priorities?
Comments & replies welcome. Please tell me I’m not hallucinating.
I had to login to post this…
I can’t believe we hit a patch note era, where there is a “TABLE OF CONTENTS” for patch notes in such order and finesse. I don’t think i’ve ever seen it done this way before to my recollection.
Do you not see there’s more buffs in this class alone to appease the “still” current META in all aspects of WoW content? Do you still not understand even after this buff and laughable “nerf” Shamans are still able to 1 shot players in AWC? Talk to Bakka who’s in the AWC as a Shaman, and he’ll let you know Shaman’s still can 1 shot despite the “nerf”.
Shamans we’re already top of the line meta classes/specs. Sure, the “nerf” was warranted, but does not change much at all. They are still meta. Just the way Blizzard intended. They are going to keep being meta until both e-Sport comps are finished, then in 9.1 we’ll see some more significant changes. There’s a reason why Blizzard knee jerked some classes/specs for a buff/nerf. Most of them to keep them inline with the current e-Sport competitions. Blizzard isn’t going to drastically change e-Sport meta comp classes/specs for a 9.0.5 patch. Usually this happens AFTER the events. So, look to 9.1 for more classes/spec buff and nerfs. But I’m sure with your “alt” your posting on you know this already.
Lol convoke is clown so ex to interrupt. How bout them godmode rogues tho with infinite cc. That’s probably why you’re dying to convoke
Confirmed, everything is balanced around fire mages and balance druids.
Utter trash balancing team, just rename your trash expansion to firemage&boomielands
Oh geesh.not again.
Just wanted to say thanks for the updated companion app! Being able to change the expansion per character makes it so much more convenient.
You could already do that with a long-press on the Expansion icon, while on a character. They just changed it to a tap because a lot of people didn’t know how it worked. I do see that they added it to the hamburger menu as well, but not sure why they need it in two places. Menu changes the default for the app, but icon just changes it for the selected character. Really? Doubling our options to “Change Expansion” is useful?
They still did not return the functionality for multiple accounts, so we still have to completely relog for each account, even under the same Bnet. “Favorites” is completely useless, because it uses the same tag, regardless if that character has even been to the other expansions. It should sort by, and show, resources for that expansion. We do not need to waste our time selecting characters who have no resources for the selected campaign.
Yes, but it did not store the selected expansion per character. I have some alts I only do Legion missions with. In the old companion app, I always had to also switch to Legion after switching to this alt from my Shadowlands main. Now, the app remembers which expansion was last selected for the alt, so it switches the expansion automatically when I switch character. This is so much better!
That makes sense. I do like that it has the ! over the Expansion icon, so you know if there are completed missions in another expansion as well. I just miss being able to easily switch to my other accounts within my Bnet.
• Fixed an issue where Ghost Wolf form felt normal.
Developer Comments:
After 15+ years of using the same run animation, we realized people still played Shaman. So, we changed the ghost wolf form to feel slow. Our hopes are that people stop playing Shaman so we can spend less time trying to balance everything. Next on our list is to change Druid forms.
I could not agree more. Blizzard has lost total control of class balance
Because we all know hunters were Meta and needed a slap on the dps meters.
i mean if you could atleast stun or int it it might not be so bad amirite.
UH isn’t top anything in raid anymore. In PvP it’s quite bad. I suppose it’s ok in M+.
Wait, why is this update over 2GB? It’s just numbers fixes?
Your facts are good. My math is better though; i see this as a godsend from the wows of warcraft in my groups now. Having wasted 1020 soul ash on a second legendary was hilarious to me, having sat out the last two expansions in prison was not. I chose Venthyr for a reason. {-35% +260%?} seems fun to me…on a side ihave absolutely no idea if the penance brand (venthyr set bonus) applies to any mythic dungeon or raid bosses…either way the 4 second no focus flayers mark changed my game as well…might change a conduit for it if it constinues to improve?..i fire a flayed about as much as an arcane…once per raid maybe two…instead of getting the boot/ignore, now i get them wtf just happened look rofl
Nah were not faceroll anymore, that was in legion/bfa. Were very bad now.