I know what’s meta and it what’s not wether it’s pvp or pve, but trying to denounce someone’s post because they play a meta spec is dumb and just looks like trolling. Same could also be said to you seeing as you play unholy dk, which is pretty great in pve. I’m also pretty sure vengeance received some nerfs.
MFW people think normal nath isn’t casual content and easy to clear.
Bronk, man, don’t feed the troll.
Ah, so now we’re going down the righteous defender road, right? You just keep getting better.
Imagine, of all the assumptions being made here, you are actually assuming the changes people are speaking about because you DIDN’T read the notes. Memery.
And yes, UH is great. It’s kicking booty and I’m enjoying it. And ya know what? I like to invite Fire Mages to muh pugs for that pew pew and time warp.
I’m sorry, what class do you play? Seems like you’re conveniently on a character that’s not abled to be inspected. Oof.
If it is account wide, it will be amazing for alt gearing.
Please. I am begging you without any shame. Please show us your main so that we may cower in the greatness of your non-casual achievements.
I’m not an elite player by any means. I just don’t like it when casual players ask for things they shouldn’t have because they didn’t put similar effort in that an elite player would.
Ah okay, I get it. You’re like a welfare recipient who votes Republican.
Because we all know that lack of having means lack of effort, amirite?
Players being able to supplement their gear because of schedules and finding groups is bad for the game, amirite? Silly casuals.
I play every class besides DH, Shaman, and Druid. I main Warrior currently with Paladin as a side main, i don’t pve much this expansion as there’s no need since I can get 220+ gear just for being rival+ in pvp while pve is still struggling with its loot distribution.
I don’t know but if that is their reasoning, then they don’t understand their player-base.
Yup … well my “mains”, FDK and SVH, thank you for your time and efforts…
I am a non-casual (aka put in a number of hours almost every day) solo-ish player. I throw in the occasional dungeon or 2 for fun or weeklies or w/e. And while I don’t have troubles playing my preferred content it is EXTREMELY disheartening to use all the effort I have to gather up a few mobs for farming/questing/ect and spend 10+ sec gathering/killing 3-4 things only to watch a bear run by with 35 things, kill them all in 5 seconds and move on. Or a fire mage walk by 1 shotting everything over and over and over. While I’m now standing around waiting for respawns. Or I walk into a dungeon with a fresh 60 sporting 23k hp and have to bust my butt just to keep up with them.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to play the most powerful specs. I like the niche and interesting. I actually kind of want to have work a little harder. It feels more rewarding. But the disparity between specs is completely outrageous. The fact that this disparity is so blatantly obvious, without even having to dig through numbers and charts, is overly ridiculous.
The community as a whole KNOWS this and has told you time and time again that there is something massively wrong with class/spec disparity. And your answer is to “mostly” ignore the bottom specs while improving the top performers.
EDIT: This was an accidental “response” to another post! Sry Metro**
You win the internet today, congrats. That was AWESOME!
Did you reply to the wrong post or something?
Yes this was not supposed to be a response to yours. sry bout that
I know I know couldn’t help my self D:
My guess is that they’ve already lowered xp so much it would not be possible to lower it more. My 26 was honor capped at 35 specific queuing - which is slow because of long waits. It took literally all of Shadowlands so far to reach 49.
It seems to me they’re trying to push out the players who belong in those brackets so they can just be a playground for max levels.
That just seems so counter-intuitive! So, you gained most of your EXP via PvP?
It’s strange that I can’t tell who I’m replying too w/o having ‘quoted’ the poster. (Sigh)
Not this character, but an alt of mine who was grinding rep from 0->exalted in both WSG and AB. To do PvE, I stopped her xp, then turned it on again before queuing, because I wasn’t going to be able to gear her up to do 50 PvP.
This is definitely a lie. I remember Mages complaining in several expansions. What all have you played expansion wise?
Okay, now I’m motivated to go see what is to be gained from all that rep!