[UPDATED MARCH 8] 9.0.5 Update Notes

What you want matchmaking in rated PvP? You want newer players to have access to gear? You want to be able to play the game? How about billion more updates that nobody cares about.

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I guess it sucks to be a Hunter, Rogue or Druid in Torghast. I’ll be the first to admit that my hunter is in a good-ish place, Torghast-wise, although her powers are largely either boring or useless, and I haven’t done it with my Druid enough to know if this is wrongheaded or not.

The fact that Rogue doesn’t need Torghast tweaks or a complete rework is news to me, though.

that’d be a waste of development time.

instead of making all the other tanks better and not getting one shotted, Blizzard’s idea of fun is to nerf the only viable tank in PVE.
Unsubbed. Might return in 9.2.

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While were at it nerf paladins so they aren’t gods anymore.


nerf judgement please!! this is doing a lot of damage how range dps, ret is melee…

“It was a Sh**show…OBVIOUSLY!”

Hunters were meant to be played in low level battlegrounds.

The Ret Paladin conduit Ringing Clarity changes are cryptic. Ptr is different than whats in the patch notes. Whats “a longer delay between hits?” Was the “up to 3” extra attacks change left out? One is a significant nerf and the other sounds cosmetic.

You should probably apply some pvp damage nerfs to arms warriors. Maybe don’t wait till next week or the week after etc.

Lets add another currency that will fix it!

The longer delay is a PvP nerf, to stop it from bursting so hard.

Blizz loves to buff classes that are already at the top and neglect ones that are performing poorly. It’s tradition at this point.


I really hope this ends up being the top liked message. It’s so true.

They’re busy buffing already top classes. Its a joke at this point.

doesnt take much skill to just press interrupt on convoke, then they hit like a wet noodle and are easy to beat, i dont see why people are so annoyed about that abilitiy, its farrrrrrr from being the most annoying thing in pvp or pve unless ur terrible at using any utility at all

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no real pvper wants the burst to go down, at least not by much, pvp is at its most fun when the damage is high and the skill to survive it is equally high

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Your a Dk, you place down anti-magic zone and breeze through it. In 2’s a rogue will perma stun you while the druid blows you up with convoke so you can’t fight back.


i dont even need to use ams or amz to survive convoke i just interrupt it LUL its easy

That’s a blatant oversimplification.

First of all, a lucky convoke can do massive amounts of damage in the second it takes to hit interrupt. That’s an issue that can be fixed by having it ramp up in damage over the course of the four second channel.

Secondly, any decent Druid knows to wait until their enemy is stunned/CC’ed to convoke, so interrupts are less likely. If a Druid convokes at a time they are going to get interrupted, they deserve to get interrupted.

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