[UPDATED MARCH 8] 9.0.5 Update Notes

they literally just killed us and they dont even realize it

Eagle Talons True Focus 50% -> 25% + 3 Seconds of True shot

Before it even had a chance to be played, nice, I’m loving the rpg experience this expac.

Spitting Cobra (Talent) damage is increased by 260%)

I think you’ll find you have only increased it by 160%, the phrase you are looking for is to 260%.

Fixed an issue that caused Steel Trap (Talent) to be usable while Aspect of the Turtle was active.

This wasn’t really needed but whatever I guess I kinda makes sense.

Death Chakram (Necrolord) damage increased by 15%.

Its still not even up to beta levels so its still bad. Why was this gutted in the beta cycle again?

Flayed Shot (Venthyr) duration increased to 18 seconds (was 14 seconds) and costs no Focus (was 10). Flayer’s Mark now also increases the damage of your next Kill Shot by 25%.

Venthyr is finally good for pvp (maybe), but you still haven’t addressed why the two single target covenants do largely inferior damage to the aoe ones in single target scenarios?

Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Brutal Projections to expire early.

This is a nice change, thanks.

Well here’s to 9.1~

If you are not going to change the situation of SV Hunters, delete that spec at once.

i can’t believe they forgot SV Hunters AGAIN

Dude, they buffed ret paladin and completely forgot about SV Hunter! LOL

Congratulations balancing team for the horrible work that you all did.

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No body, and I mean no body who’s a BM talents Spitting Cobra over Thrill of the Hunt. Is this class tuning a joke? Are we being Rick Rolled here? How can this be surpassed as a “needed” tuning? You hike up the Fang’s legendary to 35%, good, it’s the right step. However, not including BASELINE abilities that actually NEED tuning to make BM Hunter more viable and within inline to be more competitive is like taking two steps back, one step forward. Out of the countless feedback and BM Hunters who poured their heart into providing suggestions, THIS is what was the best idea that was finalized?

Beast Mastery

  • Spitting Cobra (Talent) damage is increased by 260%.

You realize BM Hunters are AGAIN dead last in DPS Raiding content rank and pretty much 23rd overall for Mythic Plus rankings? How is this change even remotely justified to make BM Hunter BETTER? The 5% increase buff to all abilities was a band aid fix, a laughable joke. I just don’t get it anymore. BM and SURV are DEAD LAST specs yet MM Hunter STILL reigns supreme for over 3 months. I’m glad I’m changing mains from this BM Hunter to Fury Warrior in 9.0.5. At least Fury is doing really well in Mythic Plus. Get it together Blizzard. I thought communication was key to success. We heard it during Blizcon
“We hear you loud and clear” is always the staple phrase. Well, yet again, you don’t listen “loud and clear” and you wonder why sub base numbers fell by 41%. :angry: :angry:


Valor is great BUT 220ilvl is too low, making it a pretty pointless change - please listen to your M+ community and their prominent figures on this (Dratnos, Tettles, Growl, etc
) and increase the ilvl to 226. Also, make previously obtained M+ items upgradable - these are very solvable pain points here guys.


It should be priority one to provide a competitive dps spec for a class, especially if it has only 1. However if they let that spec (or only 1 spec) remain dominate for too long (aka bfa havoc being playdoh puddy peg for any shaped hole, higher than avg jack of all trades spec) then it should warrant being nerfed. Ret is never good besides when things have to line up better than they do for other specs. Also we’ll see how the spec grows over the expansion.

ESO doesn’t even need a revamp to be better than WoW.

Lol what is this.

Greatest patch notes ever, Blizzard, the memes write themselves.



You should take a look at the legendary buffs they are receiving. It’s not awful.

Need some more of that Energy.

I dislike this change here:

"The formula for determining the level of the first Mythic Keystone players receive each week has been adjusted.

  • Previously, players would always receive a Keystone 1 level below the highest they’d completed so far in Season 1.
  • After this change, Keystone level will continue to decrease by 1 per week until players again complete a higher level Keystone.
  • For example, a player who completes a level 15 Keystone will receive a level 14 Keystone the following week. If they do not complete a 15 or higher Keystone that week, they will receive a level 13 Keystone the week after."

Now instead of steadily progressing on my 15s I have to successfully run one 15 and do a 16 every week otherwise I start getting 14s again. This is imo tiring because those 16s don’t give better loot than 15s and I have no actual intention of progressing further than 15, so the only thing this change adds is more work and anxiety for my group.


It is awful though. BM Hunter legendaries are a joke. The cross-spec legendary for AoE is also the best single target legendary and it doesn’t even come close to what other classes get. The few changes they made narrow the gap, but they’re still outperformed by a garbage legendary in Soulforged Embers.

The only thing keeping MM Hunters in a good spot is double procs on Wild Spirits from their BiS legendary, which is getting fixed. Come next week, Marks will fall to the bottom half of rankings. BM and Survival will still be dead last in every aspect of the game - Raiding, Mythic+ and PvP. I’m not typically a defeatist, but 9.0.5 was our last hope for relevance this expansion and the entire class was mostly ignored.


Wish they’d update the callings so we don’t have to go pick them up, or have the quest giver disappear if we’re working on a campaign chapter. Glad this is releasing right before my time expires the next morning, I’d been wondering if I’d lose out on the mount.

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If they make it where you can upgrade existing gear how will they get you to play longer though?

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They fixed a bug.

What bug? They are reverting the new formula. It was something they thought and implemented, different from something that got out of hand and was behaving differently than what was implemented to do.

The only reason for this is being reversed is because now we will have the valor points, which will allow people to upgrade their items, so Blizzard does not want people every week having the possibility to have a guaranteed +15 dungeon.

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It will make you spend more time playing unless you quit. This is their gamble and they know it works.

You have to farm all new gear. You can’t upgrade stuff you got before the patch. :joy:

The more I keep reading these patch notes, It baffles me how much “class tuning” Blizzard put effort into all Shaman specs and buff them to be pretty much walking GODS yet are currently (before patch goes live) STILL able to 1 shot players in PvP. We’ve seen this happen multiple times in the AWC. This is beyond appalling to BM’s and SURV specs that actually NEED tuning. Why are you buffing the more contributing classes/specs that DON’T need it yet shun the other classes/specs that are in dire need of tuning? Is Blizzard actually trying to point the finger of what classes/specs we should be playing based on their tuning? At this point, I’m thinking so. All the META classes/specs in AWC and MDI have gotten their buffs while the under performing classes/specs are just getting band aid fixes. Look, Blizzard, understand this
you won’t take ANY class/spec out of META if you actually took the time to class tune BM and SURV Hunters properly. Being they are 30% BELOW the damage power curve, it would have to be astronomical knee jerk buff for them to even be competitive at that state. it’s just infuriating how much time and effort players have put faith into your common sense with much provided feedback and not deliver a single shred of assurance both specs will be provided for in the near or distant future. Not a single breath from Blizzard about knowing the issue in the current state of BM and SURV Hunters. Why are you being so quiet about it? I think us BM and SURV Hunters should have some type of feedback what your plans are for both under performing specs.

Every Mage spec is pretty much Rank 11 and above in both Raid and M+ DPS Rankings. Three top tier RDPS specs of the SAME class ahead the DPS curve for ALL content that’s miles ahead of the rest of the RDPS classes/specs with the exception of Destruction and Affliction Warlock which both share within Top 10.

It’s looking like it’s a good time to be a Shaman or Mage in 9.0.5.