*UPDATED* [H] <Casual Boomers> LFM to progress to 25 man content

Casual Boomers is exactly what it sounds like. We are a casual group of players that are pushing content at our own pace. There is no rushing players to max level or certain gear sets. We have no problem helping run lower levels through dungeons for gear or quests. We are all adults that have jobs and families. We are an 18+ guild. NO we are not all boomers, technically. 17/17 on 10 man.

When we raid:
Tues/Wed: 8pm-11pm EST (Monday used for clean up if need be and people are available). Loot is currently MS>OS. Any items not needed get sharded. We roll on the shard and winner chooses to keep or put in g bank for guild enchants. As we push into 25man we will likely utilize ThatsmyBIS.

What we have done:
This was our first raid week and we cleared all phase 1 bosses on 10 man up to KT. Will finish him Monday.

What we are looking for:
More members to push to 25 man progression.
Ranged DPS: SP and Ele shaman

All classes welcome!

We would also consider a guild merge with another like minded guild.

For any information reach out to Whitewlkr, Zurgo, or Segment in game or join the discord: discord.gg/wWbyNkS6Nr

We are still looking for people.

Still recruiting to progress to 25man content. We are 17/17 on 10 man. All classes and specs welcome!

Could really use a few shadow priests, rogues, another hunter or two, enchance shaman, Arms warrior, and healers. All classes still welcome to join.

Could still use a few more members for 25 man. Priests are HIGH priority. 17/17 25man this week with a few pugs.

Updated class needs.

Looking for a disc priest?