Updated Enh Tier Set - Feedback

  • Liberation of Undermine 2-set bonus has been updated – Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Stormstrike, Lava Lash and Doom Winds by 5%, up to 25%. Maelstrom Weapon spenders have a 1% chance to remove Winning Streak! per Maelstrom Weapon spent.

  • Liberation of Undermine 4-set bonus has been updated – When you lose your Winning Streak! the winds shift into Doom Winds for 4 seconds. When Doom Winds deals damage, your next Crash Lightning deals 20% increased damage, up to 100%. This effect can be stored up to 10 stacks. Additionally, Crash Lightning deals 50% more damage to your main target”

While I don’t necessarily hate the interactions with this tier set, it just seems overly complicated and rng reliant. If it’s going to require tracking 2-3 weak auras to fully optimize it, it probably could be simpler.

And isn’t it a bit contradictory? Like we want to press crash during doomwinds to spread windfury but the tier set seems to want u to hold it after or towards the end to maximize the crash buff.

Not a huge fan but let’s discuss.

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It is definitely a little more ‘complicated’ than the previous one, and we will want Weakauras to track the stacking buffs to Crash at the very least. I might also have one for Winning Streak not sure yet but probably worthwhile.

In terms of this, you get Doom Winds procs whenever you lose Winning Streak stacks, so a lot of the time you will have full Crash Lightning stacks when you press your actual Doom Winds. Keep in mind it stacks to 10 but only spends 5 per Crash. From testing it, I usually always had 5-10 stacks ready for regular Doom Winds due to the Doom Winds procs from losing Winning Streak, so I had 100% buff to Crash for all of Doom Winds duration and you will build more stacks during this time as well, so this wasn’t an issue.

The only thing that was more on the RNG side was having 5 Crash stacks when you get a Doom Winds proc, sometimes I did not have full stacks going into a proc, but I dont think that is intended anyway I think the procs are supposed to be what gives you Crash Lightning stacks for your regular Doom Winds, but sometimes you will get procs back to back and will have 5 stacks going into that second proc. I dont think this part matters too much, you just hit Crash at the very end of that Doom Winds proc regardless of what stacks you are at, or you can Crash immediately and then bank the stacks if you have regular Doom Winds coming back up soon.

I think its actually a really fun set though, much better than before. Decent min max potential.

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Ok that’s good. I haven’t been able to test on PTR so those were just my impressions from reading it. Mostly everyone is saying it’s good so I’ll look forward to it.

I could also go into some detail on why I think doomwinds is a still a bit underwhelming but I might save that for another post.

Real question, are u sticking with stormbringer in 11.1? I’m not sure I can bring myself to play totemic. I play on steam deck and I don’t have that many cursor keybinds lol (rn I have one for root, stun, and projection). Really don’t feel like reworking my binds ahaha

I am sticking with Stormbringer yeah, I actually think it gets a lot better in 11.1. There were a couple undocumented changes that are really awesome as well. I’ll go over what I’ve found to be really nice for us on PTR from my testing, long ish post prob.

-Tempest nature wolf increases nature damage -and- physical damage by 10% now, was just nature damage prior to 11.1. This is huge as it is a consistent damage increase to Stormstrike/Windfury weapon/etc, the tempest wolf always has value now.

-Prim Wave gens 5 maelstrom baseline and hits really hard. Since it deals Elemental damage (fire/nature/frost) Stormbringer has the Nature wolves that buff it even further alongside Frost Witch. We typically have 1-3 Nature wolves out at a time, most often 2, so thats 20% nature damage added to Prim Wave alone. The fact we only have to invest into Pwave itself for it to gen 5 Maelstrom wep is huge for us though, if we spend 10 Maelstrom wep on Lightning bolt and get Tempest right after, we only have to gen 5 maelstrom wep instead of 10 since we can just press prim wave, feels really good.

-Frost Witch being an 8 sec duration instead of 5 leads to much better uptime, just more consistent damage. In my builds I’ve been dropping 1 point here to pick up Pwave though since they buffed the first point in Frost Witch to be 15% instead of 5%.

-Arc Discharge stacking up to 2 feels great, right now we barely get to make use of it unless we use it right away because if you get Tempest before you spend that Arc Discharge bolt, you lose that one. Now we get to use it, so we’ll have x2 buffed bolts back to back if we use Tempest x2 in a row.

-Crash hits pretty hard with the tier set and Stormbringer talents. With 2 nature wolves out+5 stack from tier set, Crash initial hit was 900k-1mil+ for me non crit. I’ve been playing with Unrelenting Storms on the ptr in order to make Crash work in single target and it feels so good. Since Tempest wolves buff physical damage now as well, Crash triggering Windfury was quite strong.
I usually tried to line up Crash with 1-2 tempest wolves and Frost Witch, and then 5 stacks from the tier set as much as possible. The great thing with Unrelenting Storms is how short it makes Crashes CD, so if you get 10 stacks from the tier set (1 full doom winds or 2 procs back to back) you can use both Crashes in quick succession and both proc windfury on top of that. Playing Unrelenting Storms also ensures you basically always have Windfury stacks going, meaning your Doom Winds procs are stronger. If you are vsing pet classes or will be aoeing with crash, can just play Converging Storms instead.

-Voltaic Blaze scaling with mastery now is amazing. Hits really hard, and again Stormbringer buffs that even further via Tempest wolf. With 2 Tempest wolves I was getting 1.4 mil crits, 1 wolf was getting 900k normal hits. Procs a good amount as well and is useful when/if you take Prim Wave. It opened up a really hard hitting combo of Voltaic Blaze>Prim Wave cleave+5 Maelstrom wep>10 stack Tempest.

-Having access to Hailstorm without giving up anything feels great, though I am not sure Hailstorm is even necessary. To grab it I have to give up Sundering in my build which is okay in some cases, but right now with the build I’m playing I don’t really have globals to fit in frost shocks consistently so I’m not sure I’m even going to take it. Maybe in some cases, but just having the ability to do so is very nice.

Now to be clear I would not be surprised if Bigdam or Saul come up with some Totemic build that focuses on Prim Wave side ie Primordial Storm, it can be really strong in cleave I think. I won’t personally play Totemic though unless the gap is absolutely massive, I just don’t like it in PvP at all. I love it in PvE though its really fun, but with how much movement there is in PvP I dislike it. I can’t say for sure where anything will land though, but I do think Stormbringer gets a lot better than it is right now. Losing Ride the Lightning really didn’t matter too much with everything we ended up getting, generation still feels great esp with Unrelenting Storms talented.