Hi! Can we get an updated date for Dragon Soul’s release? I know timelines have gotten moved around- but with the playerbase continuing to head off to do other things since there is effectively only the FL raid at the moment, it would be great to be able to anchor on when the next round of content will be coming.
(I’ve seen an image that said January 2025, but it may be dated now)
Blizzard: “It will release, sometime, maybe, lol we dont care. Whenever our other products slow in player retention probably. Rest assured it will release buggy, untested, and will remain that way the whole phase until one of our unpaid interns writes 2-3 lines of code to fix it.”
Honestly they might just try to speed through Dragon Soul like they did Trial of the Grand Crusader (Which is honestly probably why we got that long Ulduar).
the most recent roadmap we have says Dragonsoul patch is coming “winter” 2025 which should mean sometime before March (either the 1st or 20th depending on whether they use astronomical or meteorlogical timing for seasons) and then MoP prepatch in the Summer