yes and to emphasize we are paying customers adds value to to point, that we should not be paying for the same content over a decade later.
I have not. Profiles seem to be broken so I can’t view mogs.
LOL, I’m not actually wearing it now.
I’ll have to fix that.
the will upgrade the outfits into bowls of fruit costumes.
Check my profile.
I wouldn’t trust someone who didn’t.
“Draw me like one of your French girls”
someone did try drawing my hunter in that pose
in a nsfw way
With au jus and roast beef?
Little Giardiniera and some melted mozzarella and you’ve got a deal.
DAMNIT, now I want an Italian Beef. My SO makes the best Italian Beef.
I’m originally from Chicago, btw. >.>
I hail from the land where people think a cracker with rubber cheese is pizza.
I hail from the land where they take a pie plate, fill it with pizza toppings and sauce, and serve it to you with a knife and fork.
whispers It’s actually really good when it’s done right.
Especially with how nice the chestpieces from Castle Nathria look, with their volumetric fur . I could imagine the winter clothing could look spectacular with that kind of modeling going on.
I love Chicago deep dish pizza. St. Louis has no clue what pizza is or should be.