I’m glad to see the team made next to no effort to balance the classes and change the meta for the season, it’s ok feral Druids and other specs didn’t want a chance to mythic+ anyways thanks Blizzard for all the hard work you’re to lazy to do.
its fun geting are 278 gutted for people who dident get there 278 vault reward trinkets kinda sad
Nerfing IQD is a far cry from your heart in the grand scheme of things. They still haven’t acknowledged boomy or feral aoe in m+ either, besides the 15% buff to starfall, which is a slap across the face to people who play the spec.
No one cares about pvp?
Meanwhile PVE has seen the largest dip in player parcip since WOD where Mythic kills have literally dropped over 70% and heroic over 45%. Mythic+ puts characters that completed a +10 in season 3 at 19 million individual submissions: a major decrease from Season 1 at 57 MILLION. a 67% DECREASE in two years.
What am i going to do in seqson 4?
Looks like casuals need to find new game to play till DF.
Good job on showing that the claim you are changing and listening to feedback is an outright lie. Now we can expect Dragonflight to just be more of the same instead of an actual change in direction. Ion said they are going to work on doing more for the silent majority that they have neglected, then do this kind of thing which just ignores them even more. Thanks for giving me more reason to really feel justified in not pre-ordering Dragonflight yet.
They did eenie meenie miney mo for the 2 druid specs to choose which one got a “buff”. Guess we got the short end of the stick again.
Resto druids and resto shams are just as if not more popular than Hpriest.
Its just optimal to run those healers; not impossible.
according to Raider io:
Hpriest at 4.3%; RSham at 4.4% and RDru at 4.2% across all runs.
In +10s RSham and HPriest are equal and RDru didnt change.
In +15s only RDru drops by 0.1%
In +20s RSham is 5.6%; Hpriest at 5.3% and RDru at 3.9%
Is not being able to see a good enough reason to stay out of normal???
Really disappointed there wasn’t even an attempt to shake up the M+ meta. Like, the prot buffs are cool and all, but nobody can compete with blood DK damage. Same 2 healers will stay meta, and the same 3 DPS. I mean, what even is that balance buff? 15% damage to starfall? C’mon guys, you’re trolling .
New dungeons, same comp. Kinda bland, was hoping to watch something different.
Use revival pvp talent and just walk out of the spear. Not sure how you’re using ROP but you shouldn’t be inside ROP; you use it to push them away/repel from a pillar’s corner, etc.
Fury with stormbolt already seems bad double charge is better most of the time.
However, although the rshammy has fallen behind with the hpriest, with the current state of SL (their dungeons) literally both are meta for their utility, enormously high performance, the design of the combats of the dungeons that fall like a ring to the finger etc In fact, if we go to raider-io, the Rdruids are the 4th because our dps performance is regular but it is somewhat tedious because we play a lot with periodic/dot dps and periodic/hot healing, which is somewhat lower than a hpally but these manage to do more dps (which many teams are looking for) even though I admit that they have difficulties healing.
Mistweaver finally got some DPS buffs… in PvP exclusively… smdh
I want torgast to be something i wanna run. Having it just revolve around the legendaries makes it kinda boring, even island exp was more fun with the rewards you would get. Stop ditching every system you make at the end of the xpac. make more world content and a changing world with patches…you dont have to do huge updates every time you release a patch…try to make things relevant in the old world or hell any zone in the damn game. WOD is a perf example of unused world, so much work went into that to leave it just sitting there for some quick levels.
Wish we could have some system to where people can create content within the game and allow others to vote on it to be implemented. I bet we could come up with tons of ideas, you could even limit it to certain categories as to not break the game. like fan made dungeons that were voted in or world content. You see some new stuff popping up on private servers and it does look kinda cool
Putting ROP on a corner of a pillar does nothing to stop a bladestorming warrior. That is actually how I use it.
I didn’t know that revival cleared spear. Thank you.
Any pointers on how to handle Necro banner?
I honestly can’t understand how anyone could defend warrior’s current state. They are crazy overtuned.
Try to space out your defensives around it; disarm, sweep, port and rop. its impossible to tank the damage against a decently geared warrior but you can bait em usually.
Some flavor of; Disarm ->if they trinket then sweep. out of sweep you can rop. if they bladestorm you can roll, if they cancel blade storm charge, you can port. play ring around the pillar. just combinations of that stuff spaced out will make them waste their banner and they’ll likely swap away from you to try and get some use out of their CDs. Then rinse repeat on their next go.
If you’re really in a bind you can wall, brew the ground under your feet and healing elixir. bait a heal cs into necro shield.
Does any Blizzard employee actually PvP?
In what world does a 5% nerf to ret wings “reduce the volatility”? So instead of getting 1 shot you get 2 shot even with the Crusader nerf and they will still have enough pressure to get defensives without any of it.
Blizzard, get rid of all of the 1 shot mechanics. Bring some actual control back to arena. This RNG stuff isnt fun and never was.
Are ppl really hyped for grinding the same content only scaled?
Can we actually nerf Hunters + Warlocks a little more? They are so far ahead in M+ That its pretty much all you see… Maybe give rogues a bit more PvE Love and less PvP Love for how well they are performing?
- Slime cat LFR
Pretty much this. Holding out for some good havoc DH reworks for DF at this point, shadowlands has been and will continue to be a complete wash for havoc DH.