Update to a Fishing Gear Macro

So with the new additions to the Professions and their gear it seems my old Macro to equip my fishing gear (Pole, Hat, Boots, Lure etc.) seems to have broken. So as an inspiring Fisherman going into Dragonflight I was wondering if I could get a hand updating my old one to fit with the new system.

Here is a basic version/template for my old Macro:

#showtooltip [noequipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing Pole; [equipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing
/equipset [noequipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing
/cast [equipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing

Basically, the macro checked if a fishing pole was equipped. If not, it would display the tooltip for the desired pole a particular character owned. Clicking the macro once would equip my fishing gear that I have saved under the “Equipment Manager” tab in the Character Panel. This included the once equitable Fishing poles into the weapon slot for use. Once equipped the tooltip and triggers change to fishing. Allowing me to equip and cast fishing with a single button.

There is an advanced version of my Macro with extra lines for use with Lures that I cannot seem to get to function.

#showtooltip [noequipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing Pole; [equipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing
/equipset [noequipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing
/cast [equipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing

/use [mod,equipped:Fishing Poles] Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat

Is an example of the most common lure most of my characters have, but other’s can be used as well. As of this post, my above Macro simply continues to try and equip my fishing gear and won’t let me trigger the lure. I have to currently click the hat manually from my character panel then open my fishing journal to mouse over the pole and click.

In short what my Macro is intended to do is:
Display Fishing pole
Equip Fishing Gear
Cast Fishing
– Equip desired Lure to Pole with Modifyer

While it is not really a necessity, bonus points if we can fit the Fishing Journal into it somehow as well. Could be helpful for the other professions.

#showtooltip [noequipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing Pole; [equipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing
/equipset [noequipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing
/use [mod,equipped:Fishing Poles] Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat; [equipped:Fishing Poles] Fishing

No idea what the fishing journal is/how it works.

See, the problem with this is that the code [noequipped:Fishing Poles] and [equipped:Fishing Poles] is that we can no longer equip them.

The Fishing Journal is where your Fishing Pole actually ends up going. When you Cast Fishing, you get a Buff that makes it look like you are using your desired pole. Its some feature as of Dragonflight’s release.

With dragonflight you can no longer directly equip a fishing pole anymore. To “equip” one, you open the fishing journal and there’s a slot for a professional tool (fishing pole) there. All other professions have similar slots in their journal.

You automatically use the fishing rod (or whatever other fishing tool you put in that slot) when you cast Fishing.

In that case I’d stick the equipset on a modifer and fishing on the reg press.

I will have to try that and get back to you.

I have found that
/equip Underlight Angler
will equip my Underlight Angler fishing pole into the Fishing Journal’s slot and so long as it wasn’t already equipped (the command actual replaces something else I had as a fishing item) it will trigger the fishing appearance and, with the underlight angler, it will also apply the other U.A.-specific buffs.

However, it’s not part of an equipment set and the conditionals [equipped:itemtype] and [worn:itemtype] won’t work with any item that is a Profession item (like fishing poles) they still only work with gear you can equip through the character screen. You also can’t select a fishing pole or any other profession item as part of an equipment set and you can’t equip a fishing pole through an equipset either.

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Yeah that’s basically what broke my original Macro. Because Fishing Pole was a unique itemtype. So it was easy to tag in my macro as any character likely only has one on them at any one time and that was tied to my Fishing set. When it equip with the other gear it triggered my fishing skill.

The Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat is a staple but can’t seem to figure out how to use it like I could the Poles.

Looks like the fishing slots are 28, 29. 30


For what it’s worth, you can create a macro to toggle between your Fisherfriend and UA like so:

#show 28
/equip Underlight Angler
/equip Draconium Fisherfriend

It will show whatever you currently have equipped and will toggle between the two since it can’t re-equip the same item.

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You should be able to just /use 1 if it’s equipped.

Not sure if you’re still looking for an answer, but I was in the same boat. I love fishing in WOW and had a bunch of macros that broke with the new journal (because, like you, I was basing actions on if I had a fishing pole equipped or not). I made this one to toggle equipment sets and change actions bars (my second action bar is for all my Fishing items/macros, like lures, spears, etc). For this to work, just make sure your first equipment set is for Fishing and your second set is for Combat.

/run local c = C_EquipmentSet; local n, i, s, e = c.GetEquipmentSetInfo(0); if e then c.UseEquipmentSet(1) ChangeActionBarPage(1) else c.UseEquipmentSet(0) ChangeActionBarPage(2) end;

Also, to use the Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat (which is equipped with the Fishing equipment set) I made another macro that is part of my Fishing action bar (2):

/cast Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat
/use 28

Slot ID 28 is the fishing equipment (fishing pole) in the journal.

Hope this helps!


Oh I am always looking for new ways to improve my Macros. They have to be universal and easily editable so it can be on all of my characters.

I have one that works consistently, for gear swap, applying the lure, and casting.

/use [mod:shift,noequipped:shirt]1
/use [mod:shift,noequipped:shirt]28
/equipset [mod:shift,equipped:shirt]Fishing Hat;[mod:shift]MM
/use [nomod]Fishing

First, make a set called “Fishing Hat” that does NOT have a shirt. Then, change “MM” to whatever your primary gear set is called, and make sure that set has a shirt.

When you use the macro holding shift, first press puts the hat on, second press applies the lure. After that, until the hat cooldown is up (which is the same as the lure duration), subsequent presses alternate between combat gear and fishing gear.

Pressing it without shift simply casts.

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