Update Silvermoon City/Eversong Woods/Ghostlands

Okay, if they do keep the old one the Outland map one how can we go back there? Because after they implement the new map they will most likely remove that portal over on eastern plaquelands.

I’ll bet the mage portal and teleport will too be programmed to go to the new one instead.

I don’t see other things for this except:

Okay, how will that work when it’s not on the main map? Because that NPC is for phasing and how can it phase to a map that is not part of the main world?

I think we will see it for Midnight. For now I don’t know except using Zidormi.

These two zones were already part of the main map and eversong woods and ghostlands and isle of quel’Danas is not part of that map and so, how will zidormi work in terms of phasing to a map that is not part of the main map? If you don’t know how to answer this then your idea is unrealistic. Because they can’t just program zidormi to phase to a map that is not there.

I gave you what I think they could use to do it. It’s just how I see they could do it. It doesn’t mean it will be the solution. Just give you a plausible solution that’s all.

Update Silvermoon City/Eversong Woods/Ghostlands

We’re working on it. What do you think the Farstriders are doing.
These things take time.

Sounds like you don’t see the differences between Vanilla and the Cata revamp. Nothing is made up.


They said we will be returning to Quel’thalas which isn’t a very open ended statement.

You got one in Brill but there should be no faction cities that become neutral. Horde don’t even go to Bel’ameth, Gilneas nor Telogrus Rift to hang there and it makes no sense for us to be there. They at least had the sense to have us watched in Bel’ameth.

And really Bel’ameth doesn’t technically match up to the others. Because the others were faction locked. Hell Gilneas was locked to a starting area. Bel’ameth was created to be neutral. But it still feels weird being welcome there as a Horde player. Even with the time jump.

Give Alliance back their cities and leave us alone.

Best update they could possibly do is to drop a plague nuke on it while all the elves are gathered there for their ego measuring contest.

You claimed that my example with the new and old lion heads was made up and that they actually changed them all.

However, all it takes is to log into the game, look at the city, and see that the devs are indeed too lazy and have used an already existing new model for some of the heads, but not for all. The completely outdated heads are still visible… alongside the new ones. That’s how lazy it was. But as I said, it can be seen directly in the game; if you want to keep pretending otherwise, we might as well wrap this up here.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case, and it will remain neutral. I would actually prefer your version because Blizzard’s way is lore-wise terribly bad. But what I wrote is unfortunately still true.

I mean, I also find some elf players annoying with the way they express themselves. Note that it’s not all of them. But everything I’ve seen from you so far has been you putting down the entire race, including all the players, constantly. That’s not exactly social.^^"

I never mentioned lion heads or anything being made up.

I said they have changed buildings, the stonework and the entrance is even slightly different than Vanilla.

Maybe let’s try to get on the same page here.

“Yeah they did”

You were responding directly to the new model I was talking about. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

As I mentioned in the very first post, the devs have introduced new elements and left old ones in place. It’s not a proper update if you fix some areas and let others look like pixel mush. As I said, a patchwork rug.

I was talking about the gate area itself. Not the lions. Nor did I claim you made anything up. Just commented that the entrance was changed a bit.

We got our lines crossed due to how I quoted you. So I apologize.

Fair enough.

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They will for the midnight expansion.

Wait until you hear about the Midnight expansion.

Good news there’s gonna be a whole expansion about this

I do put down the race, I hate the elven races. I make no secret of that. I also don’t like the majority of the elf players I have encountered and also make no secret of it. Further, I hate the way blizzard caters to the elven population, especially at the expense of all the other races.

I have no desire to be social, people in general suck. Normally I say what I want and then mute the thread.

Ok, at least you’re being honest about it. So that’s fair. :dracthyr_shrug: