Update Shaman visuals


Don’t give me hope.

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The soulshapes from the Ardenweald ability should be our choices for ghost wolf. They’re literally animal ghosts.

For Ascendence I’d settle for the colored aura we had I think in WoD was it? I don’t understand why a cosmetic glyph like this was even removed. And it ticks me off that Blizzard doesn’t explain why they arbitrarily remove cosmetic options. Was the aura causing server crashes or something equally destructive to the game?

Graphic update for Shaman please. Now that elemental is looking decent I’d like to look decent playing one.

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How do you figure that? It’s literally the elemental ascendants we saw serving the twilights hammer.

Youre right. Shaman should be nerfed. Give Pally’s back their ret aura

Did they though

Ret aura was annoying. What’s the point of having options for auras when there’s one specifically that always has to be chosen?

reads thread title

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How long have you been a Dev?

Shaman has received update to its VFX.

Compare and contrast both classic and retail VFX they are not one in the same.

I am the dev.

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Finally a water themed set and it looks like a Cata questing greens reject set.

Didn’t they try to do some new animations for Lightning bolt and chain lightning, but no one liked them? I think that was Legion or BFA. Definitely overdue though for some new visuals. Tauren totems are old too.

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isnt paladin’s consecration from vanilla? lol

Yes, they did.


Then Death Knights will get their undead pet and eye color customizations and Demon Hunters their Metamorphosis customizations!

you know we all know

Ascendance does look pretty terrible and I thought it was pretty awful back then too. They should do something more akin to Dathia but like water if you’re resto, fire for ele, earth when you’re enhancement or something. Or just glyphs and you do whatever.

I dont know.

At the very least, they should give us back Glyph of Ascendance. Why it got removed in Legion, but Druids got to keep Glyph of Stars, is just a baffling decision.