Dudeeeee whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. You know some of us don’t sweat and play off hours. Revert the change and go back to the drawing board.
Pretty much lol, get in early, exploit early, exploit often. Rep should have been boosted accordingly with the newer longer wait time, but they’re still looking into it, so enjoy a full weekend of lousy BFAs.
too be honest i wouldn’t be surprised if that was 100% intentional the waylaid supply cache being unique alone prove that the time played obsession is very much present here
bro why was this event completely fine for two days?
why change it and make it sht again? all we needed was the dead layer fix…
8-9 hours between events on the largest realm is dumb af, you pulled the ladder up after people already got exalted through it.
Make the next event PvP focused and not PvE focused please. What a nightmare.
so, not only will be harder to get revered, it’s gonna be harder to find world pvp… weird change
This needs to be reverted. The entire appeal of classic is that the world feels alive with players around you. We didn’t want layers in the first place but understand they are a necessity for stable servers. Winding them down when less players were offline allowed for the world to continue to feel full and alive even with layers being active. Now the entire world feels dead even during peak hours. The ashenvale event takes 8 hours to start and many players won’t be able to grind the necessary reputation.
Please revert these changes and make the classic world feel alive again.
Layers suck. Megaservers suck.
Too bad they went this route.
Came here to say this.
Please fix this blizzard, hours between events is unacceptable. The last 5 games I tried playing bugged out after we killed all the bases we couldn’t attack the boss. I have been absolutely blocked out of otherwise wins and rep gains. I got exalted on my rogue in 2 days, haven’t been able to get to honored on an alt living in ashenvale.
Also the whole way rep is gained in general is counter intuitive to how the event is intended to be played I would assume. It’s either a choice between a strategy of winning or getting as many tags on bosses as an individual player being greedy and getting the most rep.
You just killed one of the only 25 post content things to do… please yes look into the event but revert whatever changes you just made and increase the % gained to trigger this event.
Yeah this fix isn’t it. It’s so insanely slow now that people will be lucky to do this 2-3 times a day. As always, the people that jump on early win and those that play at a slower pace are left holding the bag.
Just put it on a timer, it’s not complicated.
Lol, Blizzard just released a damage control video to youtube about “Who is actually winning Ashenvale” without telling who, is actually, winning Ashenvale. Instead they just listed total PvP kills in Ashenvale like that means anything. Yikes.
Why not just put it on a timer instead of having the weird contribution thing and variable event length which led to the layer problem? Like if the event was 30 minutes on, 30 minutes off. If the event on your layer ends in 15 minutes because of one side killing the opposing boss, then you have 15 more minutes of event time plus 30 minutes of off time before the next event starts. So no matter what, the event is starting every hour, and you always have at least 30 minutes of non-event time.
please revert. No point playing on a pvp server if I can sit at the most busy crossroads and only see like 1 horde every 30 minutes
You should probably worry more about your own literacy than my love for PvP.
Screw everyone who didn’t grind their rep out early, amirite?
This will be awful for later when no one is grinding rep anymore. You may have one event a day…
Regarding the layering during off peak hours, can we maybe get a prompt when we log in during that time to maybe accept if we want to go to layer one if we want to see more people? And if you log off and log back in, you see the prompt again just during those hours? Just trying to think of other options IF we want to see more people during off-peak hours for easier grouping up or seeing more people in the city/towns areas for trading/grouping, etc. Mention in the prompt that layer one is recommended to join if wanting to see more players while the other layers exist still.
Also, I enjoyed the basic group finder tool you gave us in other version of the game and think it would be nice to see in SoD for easier grouping up again, especially as we get into later phases and the range of levels/instances expand more and more and the LFG channel is harder to keep up with.
That’s just what they do. They did that since 20 minutes into release and continues to do so with any issue.
It’s weird.
Your right. Ashenvale is dead now that there is a 3 hour delay between battles. At least with the event running every hour to hour and a half, you had players staying and roving PvP groups. Now it’s a deadzone 15 minutes after the event ends.
Okay, I decided to play in off peak hours to see how long it would take between games. Nearly 2 hours and I’ve 1 game 70% is too long.
Can you please add a secondary objective to be done outside the grand event to force % even on layers with fewer player during off peak times. That can make the zone less pve based more pvp based.
Easiest ones domination game mode style
Add 3 hotspots like in hellfire peninsulas towers, and have them give a flat % of progres for your faction per minute but please make it so that they change positions on the map. Any 3 of 6 or so pre determined spots would be good id say. Then after every ashenvale just pick 3 and have em change randomly every 10 minutes or something Sadly a static 3 zones will just forces one held by each faction and only 1 contested. Which really just leads to a constant 2n1 and horde just waits a few more minutes. Constantly moving them makes players need to play in ashenvale, use roads more, make them think its not contested right now we can get that free % then for a carrot maybe make holding one give give a buff. each zone having a different buff could be its own thing, so certain zones could be more contested to get or to remove a buff from the opposing faction. that would be cool. But more annoying on your end im sure.
If you wanted to make it really fun and wsg like, maybe add a flag, gives a flat gigabuff and a stacking debuff to track time with the flag and to prevent griefing let it increase damage taken to the point of 1 shot, kill the flag carrier get % based on how long he held it for, bring the flag to your leader in your town get % make the risk ever picking it up so people are willing to defend and kill for it. While also rewarding for actually bringing it back.
you Should see ashenvale events forced by the player base every hour or so even on deader layers without needing to rework the layers system and the players will feel like its just more content to enjoy without messing with existing content.